So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. The ride back to Holmfirth from the M1 was epic. Proper fast :D
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  2. I was referring to this thing you call a rear brake. What is that?
  3. ET, it acts just like a front brake while you are wheeling.
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  4. I'm so envious, we aren't allowed to conjure up visits to Farnborough during the Airshow. In fact we are told to arrange all meetings elsewhere unless totally unavoidable grrrrrr

  5. Sat here in me cardie and slippers....
  6. Day off today to attend our Son's graduation at BAth Abbey. So proud of him. Five years ago his GCSE results were abysmal. Managed to get him on a BTECH computer course at Bath Tech college, now he has a degree :upyeah:. Though I think getting him to apply himself to obtain employment may make the last five years look easy. :(
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  7. Checked the possibility of WSBK at Magny Cours in
  8. Are you organising the event?! ;-)
  9. I went out at lunchtime with my brother, and bought myself some lacy black underwear.

    "How long have you been wearing women's knickers " my brother asked

    "Only since the wife found a pair in the glove compartment......"
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. After a minor departure I is back on the forum :) though I see none of you window lickers missed me :(
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. No Im trying to persuade Mrs YMFB tat its a good idea I go with a mate.
  12. I have gone back to work after a bloody fantastic trip to Germany for the GP to find that the site I'm currently working on has gone to shit, Plant breakdowns, Operators jacked and nowhere near enough work done. I'm now going to have to work stupid hours to ensure we are ready for a major crane lift on Friday night. Happy bloody days...
  13. The old ones are the best ones.....

    "Can't wait to get home and rip the wife's knickers off"

    "They've been cutting in to me all day!"
  14. I left the tip of my finger skin on my exhaust manifold (hot) today.
  15. Sort of thing my 9 year would do ;)
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  16. I skimmed that at first and had to double take as I didn't read "finger skin"!!!

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    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Welcome back Dave

    Today I have been helping Wantz with his French in preperation - so far he can find the post office , buy a stamp and order a Stella :Facepalm:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. French post offices sell Stella? well thats something the UK post offices could take up.....
  19. Our local post office just supplies misery and despair and you have to que for the privilege.
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  20. you lucky bugger, you've got a local post office. You should be immensely grateful.... if only i had a local post office...
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