Ive been made redundant or sacked in the past and life on benefits in no easy life.In fact its fucking shite and soul destroying for most folks as you cant even pay bills and buy food on the little money you get.Luckily I found a job again pretty quickly. As for all this natural selection bollox don't complain if they stop all benefits and we end up like South Africa for violent crime. Benefits are a safety net for most.After paying shit loads of tax if I was told fuck off its natural selection id wait a few days until I was starving.Then take a big knife and go all out on the first person drawing money out of a cashpoint.Fuck em its me or them lol.Then you end up spending god knows how much to keep me in prison. Jobseekers allowance is a lot cheaper than prison costs until people find another job and get back on there feet again.For long term unemployed why not make it mandatory for them to attend college full time and gain some useful work skills.Also stop placing barriers to work in every fecking job. You used to be able to walk into a employment agency and get a job the same day.Now you need a cscs card for labouring,manual handling course and other bollox for warehouse work,SIA badge costing £400 for a bit of security work.Madness.
This program is designed to bait you. Its for Daily Mail readers, so they can boil their blood. Its not for us sane types who know that yes there are some spongers, but only a minority of unemployed are spongers. The rest just cant find work, or are unable to work, or some other valid reason.
Of course it is and I agree that only a minority of unemployed are spongers but is a system that tolerates these excesses fit for purpose and should it be allowed to continue ? I think No and No. And I don't read the Daily Mail.
The system is well and truly fucked. A good friend of mine got made redundant through no fault of his own and had to sign on for job seekers allowance.He applied for lots of jobs and luckily through skills working with wayward youth found similar work after a few months or so. Win win situation you would think.OH NO. As he was now employed all benefits stopped instantly.He didn't get paid for a month.So he had to rely on the kindness of his fb friends to take him evening meals as he had no money for food or bills.He even had to lend money for travel costs which he paid back on getting his pay packet at end of month. The people that design this system are brainless cunts and should be on jobseekers allowance.Surely anyone with more than 2 brain cells would see its better to keep paying benefits until now employed person gets there first pay.Then they pay it back or pay back in instalments if on very low wage or part time. Same happened to me when unemployed as I thought its better to take two weeks of temporary work than claim off the state.Again big mistake as I didn't get paid until end of next month.On making a rapid reclaim after temporary work it took the useless dole system 3 more like 4 weeks to sort my claim and pay any money.So for getting off my backside and accepting some work I was on my arse for a month.Then I got wages and benefits all at once.Luckily I had family to cover me or id have been fooked or robbing someone so I could eat. No wonder people don't want to start work especially if its only temporary lol.
If you wish to waste time and money legislating to catch every instance and close every loop hole then you are on a fools errand. Its a law of diminishing returns and as long as we meet the compromise between effectiveness in terms of legislature and economics then fine. But if someone wishes to inspect everything to the nth degree then they may not read the mail but they likely fit its readership profile. There are other more pressing things to concerns oneself with. Closing everything up is likely less cost effective than just letting it go. Until then the Law of Diminishing Returns is in control.
spot on chap. i was laid off last year,a whole shift of 50+ year olds gone in twinkling of an eye,obviously the other younger shift was kept on. 56yrs old ,qualifications worthless,experience unwanted,basically early retirement without any perks. we're all still claiming the pitiful dole,paid for during our 40 yrs of paying taxes etc and what do we get.treated like shit by all and sundry inc some tossers in here,listed as "unemployeable" basically due to our ages and states of health/expected health due to doing heavy labour most of our lives(building your cardboard houses and laying your plastic lawns etc). next time youre shopping take a look at those peeps pushing lines of trollies,theyre not there because theyre biffs theyre there because they need to be working,an inbuilt state of mind for most of my generation. and enjoy your smug sniggering cos if it goes to the point of stopping helping the unemployed itll be them that are sticking a gun in your pious face and taking whatever you have. i certainly will if it comes to it,natural selection?,you havent got a fkn clue ,we'll start by naturally selecting you,i suspect youre fat enough for quite a lot of "sandwiches"... sorry if it sounds "harsh" ,,old chap.toodlepip. hehe..
I feel for anyone that gets made redundant and struggles to find another job. Not only does your pride and self worth take a massive kicking your treated like lazy scum by advisors in the job centre.Demanding show us what you have done to find work or we will sanction you.They used to actually try and help get people back into work.Those days are long gone. Until you get a job I found exercise a very good way of relieving the stress of it all if you are able to.Thats not easy for people injured at work or suffering disabilities. I found a local gym run by a hells angel that only charged £2.50 before 3.30 and also went running 8-10 miles 3 times a week.Definately stopped me loosing it and killing someone at times.My mate above joined me as it was driving him mad.Swimming is also a good one and cheap or a good walk is free.All this must be done after jobsearch or you will be sanctioned and end up at a food bank or homeless. Ps My old man was made redundant after 40 yrs working for a building society.Because of his age he found it very difficult to get a job but was lucky as his friend started a mortgage advice business and took him on until he retired. For all the smart arse 'get a job or starve 'types maybe one day you will be made redundant or have a accident and have to claim disability.Then you will truly know whats its like.
I spent 18mnths living homeless in SE London after I was discharged from the kids home i was in (early 80's). I had to sign on daily. If i could sign on at all. Which was most likely as they are reluctant to give dole out easily. I had therefore no option but to steal for food. Which I did. I also had to do other things I am not proud of in order to survive. Twas bad enough in the homes surrounded by insanity and violence. On the street it was worse. This was Thatchers Britain. The system is there for us when we need it. If you do not need it, then lucky you. But shit can happen in a heartbeat. You may start off unemployed with optimism and drive, but you can soon spiral down into despair and apathy. I have a brain and that saved me. On my way ive met many people less fortunate than I. Let down by nothing more than circumstance and family. Not everyone or everything can be factored for. Its very easy to sit back and look down at those in less fortunate circumstance than we are in. Until you've experienced and seen the deprivation that exists in our society first hand then your opinion is meaningless. If you have experienced these things and yet still look down, then the experience burnt your soul. I am glad we have a social security system. Its not perfect. But it is there when we need it. It might indeed be a pain in the arse to get it and the hoops you have to jump through may seem insurmountable, but its there. That is what makes our nation great. We care, even if we cant quite afford it, or manage it properly. We try. I fucking love this country and its people.
Like Boots, I've been homeless in the UK, I've been to war overseas several times. I've seen poverty that only those that have lived in 3rd world counties can truly appreciate. I've lived in holes in the ground for weeks, shitting in bags and not washing for 6 weeks at a time. I've been limited to 2 litres of water per day, fighting for my own and other's lives. I've dealt with both sides of death, witnessed unimaginable loss and life on the very edge of survival. I've spent time with real life princes, the poorest of soldiers fighting just for bread to feed their children. I've spent time with people so smart that ideas fall from their head like dandruff and people so poorly educated that anything beyond the simplest of concepts is beyond them. In all of my short 27 years, wandering the world and seeing what life is really about, I've learned one of the most important lessons that a man can learn and it's this: Every single person you have ever met adds value to the universe in one way or another and should be treated as respectfully as that value demands. One is not as special as one thinks; we are all nothing without each other.
I don't think anyone denies that we need a welfare system. But it does seem like it is badly run, and the welfare system will get more and more important as more and more manual work disappears through efficiency measures to make more profit. The problem is it is such a big operation that some people will always slip through the net, and others will be able to profit by rogue means. So there will always be material for TV programs such as this.
Most people I know are struggling to pay the bills with wages they get nevermind putting money aside for if they get made redundant.If one was to become ill or have a accident and stop work even harder to plan for that unless you have a very wealthy family or highly paid job with lots of disposable income. They should do a benefits street special in Buckingham palace.The Royal family make the unemployed couple with several kids living in a 5 bed house look like amateurs.
I choose to listen to radio 4's the archers and it really makes my blood boil with rage.....as its a load of old bollocks. But still I listen. Being easily influenced by the media really helps.
I haven't had a pay rise since i had a 12.5% pay cut in 2008. I have a job though. So I am at least thankful I can pay my modest mortgage. Even if I cant afford Matts 748 discs.
Fortunately I cannot recall that tune. Even more fortunately, you are unaware how to do something so simple even my wife can do.
Only for real music snobs I'm afraid............and I'm really not interested about what your wife can do.
After 23 years, neither am I. :Asshat: (Edit: Of course thats not true. But it was the best parry I could come up with. Sorry dear.)