Went to Brands....and then dropped my bike again! Not so lucky this time either, snapped lever and clip on. Bugger!
Today I will mainly be working till 12:45, children's awards ceremony (that will be nice on a hot sticky day), packing for tonight's overnight ferry to St Malo and three days riding in and around Normandie, Brittany looking at car museums, WWII sites. Enjoying the French cafe culture. Back Sunday evening Au Revoir
I did. But then I thought with admiration, "Troy's actually got a life and doesn't need to hang around here with the saddos inventing a virtual social network. I must take a leaf out of his book, restrict my interaction with this site and do something more useful with my life". So I am overjoyed to see you back. Means I can continue to waste time here with less of a guilty conscience.
a few months back you found a whole bunch of postcards(?) - you were going to get the quality fountain pen out, put ink to paper and send to your friends- all done now? or on the pending pile....?
Today I is mainly doing as little as possible and being paid as much as possible. This is a balance that has took years to perfect but I now feel I have it just right
Easy morning in the office which has allowed me to play on the internetz. I've got a couple of conference calls this afternoon then I might fuck off early to go out on the bike
why would you not enjoy a day off work, walking in the sunshine, breathing the clean fresh air, watching the wildlife, admiring the scenery, chatting with a mate or two, perhaps a drink or two in the bar......