Benifit Britian

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Dick dastardly, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. therein lies the problem

    some people love the benefits system, others loathe it

    yes we all get something out of the system but you can question the wisdom of what some of the money is spent on and how it is spent

    example my wife works for a government department and one section in said department get a new mobile phone and a new sat nav every year, why are the old phones no longer working? or have that many new roads appeared that the old sat nav no longer works (bear in mind they go to the same places every year so they should have remembered how to get there)

    That same government department also take 4 hours to do a 2 hour journey, ultimately the tax payer is paying for this.

    The manner in which government departments can squander money is nothing short of amazing.

    Maybe if this was addressed the tax question would be far simpler as the numbers and % would be a lot less.
  2. therein lies the problem

    some people love the benefits system, others loathe it

    yes we all get something out of the system but you can question the wisdom of what some of the money is spent on and how it is spent

    example my wife works for a government department and one section in said department get a new mobile phone and a new sat nav every year, why are the old phones no longer working? or have that many new roads appeared that the old sat nav no longer works (bear in mind they go to the same places every year so they should have remembered how to get there)

    That same government department also take 4 hours to do a 2 hour journey, ultimately the tax payer is paying for this.

    The manner in which government departments can squander money is nothing short of amazing.

    Maybe if this was addressed the tax question would be far simpler as the numbers and % would be a lot less.
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  3. I like the word compassion. My definition of which would be "allow people to take the piss"

  4. so many simple fixes are needed that it seems dumb not to actually have a central database from which to work from ,present the information etc and do the right thing.
    we all encounter these things,hear of others experiences etc.

    instead we have even more "managers" fumbling about making rules and systems of operations that plainly dont work and not a single one of them is ever held responsable for their ineficency(?)/held to account for the many ££'s lost.

    its so lost in the "ether" that noone can be bothered,its not their money and they dont lose anything paywise,lets just invent another system i learnt in college..

    in my job,one single mistake or lack of planning can/does lead to loss of life/health and id be floored immediately,sued,charged etc etc.
    and i,,,paid peanuts comparatively 80hr week pure endless graft/35k a yr.. i should have been a drug dealer/politician/"expert".

    im glad ive only just hit the brain level/age where i actually care about this stuff now,if i was younger i think id probably explode,like an episode of scanners..its really hard to beleive that humans are really this selfish and stupid theyll just plough on regardless,using systems that clearly dont work and they just dont care at all.long as their little world works for them,fk everybody else.

    black pudding n poached egg is gorgeous.also first time ive ever had mushie peas on a fryup,works well...innit.

    there you go,men can multitask..fixing the world AND eating a full english at the same time.
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  5. Greed. Selfishness. A system built to keep the poor under foot and the rich standing on their shoulders. There are plenty of rich people with no brains and a terrible work ethic that get richer purely because they were already rich. It's got nothing to do with how you educate yourself, how hard you work or the opportunities you find for yourself. Social mobility is as false as it was at the start of the 20th century.
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  6. Let them eat cake. ;)
  7. Who's paying for it?
  8. There are DLA cars being misused. Apparently the DLA system keeps the dealerships happy.
  9. Bull. Without at least one of the three you mentioned (education/hard work/taking the opportunity when you get it) there are very few who are doing well in life. If you have the first two nailed the third will definitely come sooner or later.

    There are of course barriers to social mobility but if you genuinely think its the the same as in the beginning of the 20th century I don't know what to say
    • Agree Agree x 2

  10. If you are not in my 'club' old boy
  11. This is probably true in some circles. Government springs to mind. Also when it comes to BIG business connections will be key to expansion etc.

    For the majority of us it makes fekk all difference.
  12. I think the message in this video is more appropriate for this thread el toro especially the parts about greed and oppression.The benefits system is a trap many struggle to get out of.I guess it easier to ridicule and snigger at people out of work or at the bottom of society monetary wise than offer a helping hand for some.

    #73 matt#corse, Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
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  13. Very noble. And I applaud it.

    However there is an underclass out there that wants to screw everyone and everything out of the system and those of us out there that want to be good and do good. They want to put nothing in to society, yet want to take everything out. "Do-gooders" are weak in their eyes. You will never change their views nor their actions.

    I have seen many, many people over the years trying to screw the system and everyone around them. They spend inordinate amounts of time and effort thinking and acting on how they can "give it to the man" to get money for the important things in life (to them) like Sky TV, beer and fags. They would rather do this than actually channel this effort into real work or making a difference to society. You will never change this.

    The video I posted was supposed to be a parody. It is closer to real life than you may think in places like Moss Side, Toxteth, Chapeltown, Tottenham etc.

    You can try and help this underclass, but the 80/20 rule applies. 80% will take your help and try and take more from you in the process. They will not and never will contribute to society.

    Jaundiced view? Nah. Realistic. Unfortunately.
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  14. Yeah but, Nah but, how down trodden and alienated does a group (class) of society have to feel to act and believe in this way?
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  15. That's the point. It doesn't have to feel downtrodden. It just takes. Fact.
  16. You have a point there also el t but I also agree this underclass if you can call it that has been shit on until they give up caring for others and would rather rob them or burgle there house etc .However I also know many people recovering addicts/homeless etc that have gone out of there way to council and support others with zero monetary gain a selfless act to make sure others don't hit the lows they did.Most people I know will always take a better future even if that means hard work to get there.Some have almost totally given up hope though.

    I think the whole of society has become more selfish and self centred as a whole.Everyone wants to be rich and well off even if that means shiting on everyone else in there path along the way.Its seems to be almost ingrained now to look down on others rather than help.Greed and lack of community maybe to blame but im no expert.

    My old man is 70 now and says thing were much better when he was a kid.Not so much financially and didn't have I pods big tv and and all the other materialistic shit we crave now.But there was more people prepared to help others and community spirit to look after anyone in trouble or down on there luck.That seems to be being replaced with a 'fuck you im alright mentality'.

    I don't know whos to blame.Polititians,bankers and other greedy bastards that take,take ,take and put as little back into society or people hording billions of pounds to themselves.

    I don't know when things will change for the better either as politicians only seem to act if something extreme pushes them to like more London type riots.Even the people at the top suffer as little Rupert hedlington smithe comes home after being stabbed in the leg and his I pad and Gucci trainers taxed in a street robbery.Or wealthy families get tied up and tortured in home invasion robberies for the diamond necklaces rolex watches and expensive cars.

    Hopefuly we will go back to my old mans times as a kid but more likely moved towards south Africa or USA.Ie rich people living in gated communities with personal security as its so dangerous and the underclass literally starving with no hope outside.

    I hope the politicians pull there fingers out and start improving life for the less well off but doubt it.They are to busy taking a 11% pay rise while the people using food banks gets larger by the day.Talk about lack of morals.
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  17. tbh ive met some of these underclass as its put and i dont see them as an "underclass",they are exactly of the principles and ideas of many of our wealthiest,,,take and shit on everyone else.
    also the fact is often they are ex rich who have decided its easier to fleece other less rich groups of people.
    none of it has anything to do with unemployed,its a source of profit and that is all.

    calling them underclass is just a way of pointing the finger at those that are worse at it then the bankers etc,but theyre still the same gene pool.

    and they have nothing to do with unemployed,ex employed people, of this country and being labeled as a possible member of this "group" is a large part of the problem.
    if i had my time again,i wouldnt gain a trade,id be a crook,i wouldnt pay taxes and id make sure i wormed my way into a golf club or two and went from there.

    all the youngsters i meet through m8s being parents etc can all see that living an honest life will only work if everyone around you feels the same.
    they see that their parents are all basically struggling to live,pay bills etc,moaning about state of country/world,getting health problems and being screwed by the very goverment that should be doing it right.

    and i guess the kids will then decide they dont want to end up like that and i suspect a lot will join that underclass be it drugdealers,online scammers,estate agents or politicians or banking or lawyering etc etc.
    they certainly wont be heading for a factory or emptying your bins for a pittance every week just for you to scorn them because theyre to lowly for ones time and too lowly to be entitled to a decent life like yours.

    theres rich crooks and theres poor crooks..theyre all still crooks and none of them deserve a place in this society,but seeing as its the rich crooks that actually run the country..well...we're **cked before we start..

    and now,strangely enough, its time for another fryup.. ;)
    #79 gregotch, Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Its clear that there is a lot of deeply held resentment and anger on both sides of the centre line but what can we actually do about it? As individuals and as a collective? The system is such that in order to be heard you must have exposure. The people that control that exposure are the media organisations that operate in order to make money! They have no incentive to push a fair, clear and consistent message that goes against everything they stand for. And let's face it, what they stand for is MONEY. They want the money from all of our pockets and they want it in ever increasing amounts.

    Find a way to reach the people in a clear, universally acceptable manner with a clear message for change with an alternative to the current system that is fair and is right and just and change will happen. It's finding the alternative, then convincing people that the entire system is currently broken, then obtaining broad support for these ideas that will be the hard part. One voice in 7 billion isn't going to be heard over the counting of dollar bills.

    Thing is, I'm not anti-establishment. I'm pro-fairness, pro-equality and anti-greed. I think a correctly run, well founded system is a great thing to pursue but I don't think we have that right now and I think it mutates further and further from the ideal with each decade that passes.

    You lot are turning me in to a right mess when it comes to politics, resentment and anger!
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