Second Malaysian Plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Back on topic!

    Sad times for sure, and sadder still that the real perpetrators will get away with it no doubt due to the politicians pussy footing around Putin...
  2. I'm not angry at all.........I rarely lose my temper even if I do F and Blind a lot.....

    ......but I am annoyed that you can crawl out from under a stone and stoop to personal insults...(stoop? a maggot is already low to the ground).........

    ............and the dots are to give you time to absorb in your tiny mind, wot I dun ritted.

    PS....Regardless of whoever dunnit, Putin will get the blame..........
  3. What's with the Russian beating here? I certainly do not fear Putin, he certainly does not appear to tow the American line. Given the choice, would you side with the Russians or Americans?
    America has been at the front line of all the recent troubles in this world and the UK and a number of other EU Countries hanging onto their shirt tales.
  4. Arque, you know an awful lot about Ukrainian / Russian politics too! - try re reading what was said prior to your outburst using your knowledge of English literacy to assist - nothing was intended as a personal insult, so I am sorry and somewhat amazed that you are annoyed :Wideyed:
  5. I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.
    As true today as it was 75 years ago. Mr Putin does not want the west on his doorstep with America and NATO supporting Ukraine, it would lead to the borders of Russia being faced with a more liberal, open and western society which goes against the fundamentally totalitarian regime currently propped up in Russia.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  6. Many Eastern Europeans think Putin is the nearest thing to Hitler the world has seen and a lot of them now have good reason - agree the USA is never squeeky clean as the British weren't to Eastern Europe after 'winning' the second world war.
  7. My outburst?

    Are you delusional?

    It was you that crawled out from your midden and called me a cunt for posting a 'tongue in cheek' comment.

    It's no good you saying it wasn't a personal insult and then attempt to excuse yourself by trying to turn the blame in my direction.

    Think before you post anymore.
  8. Putin has a point, I wouldn't want the Americans or the UK warmongering on my doorstep.
  9. I really do not think Putin can be regarded as a Hitler.
    • Personal insults are not tolerated.
    ADMIN EDITED (Called him it again)
    #50 Exige, Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
  10. So allowing the majority of the people (by definition makes it a democratic response) to choose to gain closer ties with the west and all that would do for the prosperity and stability of your nation, is seen as a threat to their Russian neighbours and the corrupt elite of Russia (we don't want democracy spreading further east jeez our subjects may want parity).
    So they then instigate a civil war backed by the Russian military supplied by the Russian military (men and hardware) and the West are at fault. HOW?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Well, no, he isn't Hitler, he's Putin, bad enough.
  12. No Putin should not be considered to be a Hitler he has far more in common with his compatriot Stalin who was responsible for more deaths in Russia than the Germans were. A complete dictator with pure self interest at heart and not some evil ideology that he was peddling.
  13. I'm completely lost here.

    Are people saying that Arquebus is really Putin? Or is it Exige?
    I don't care how many Ducatis they have between them, they shouldn't be calling each other Ukrainian rebels.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Its too early to apportion blame firmly. But it appears that the rebels may be less than innocent. However Ive been less than impressed by the Ukrainian accusations. Best leave recriminations until hard facts arrive. If Russian involvement is proven, then all hell will break loose.
  15. Agreed.

    The top priority for all concerned will be to prove that the was no direct Russian involvement. The status quo must be maintained at all costs.
  16. That's about all your vocabulary can run to, is it?

    Seems to prove my point.
    #57 Ghost Rider, Jul 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2014
  17. No @Loz the priority is to establish the truth. If it does indeed prove russian involvement or not.
  18. Between the 3 of us do we have a lot of Ducatis? I bet Putin has the most.
  19. Do you think he's (Putin) sat with Arquebus as he certainly isn't here with me :) or do you mean involved with something else?
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