Second Malaysian Plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. I dont think Arquey is a russian agent. Calling him a cunt is one thing but KGB might just tip him over the edge.
  2. Personally, I would be interested in China's view. North Korea and Iran is watching. Has Virgin built that space plane, I want a ticket for when this all kicks off.
  3. If Russian backing is proven which considering the plane came down in what is fundamentally Russian controlled/backed Ukraine is not very likely, there will be lots of sabre rattling and nothing more.
    I love Putins response, responsibility lays with the country it was flying over. eg; the terrorist organisation/freedom fighters we back, made a terrible mistake, however if the Ukraine had done what it was told in the first place and hadn't had the temerity to dare question any allegiance with the Russian state, and attempt to gain greater ties with the west, and thereby Piss off the Russian elite, we would not have had to support/put in place Russian troops pretending to be Ukrainian freedom fighters who would not have then been in possession of Russian hardware, and would not have then brought down an entirely innocent airliner with the resulting loss of life.
    In fact if the west had not existed at all this would never have happened therefore you evil corrupt freedom loving free thinking liberals in the west it is your fault they all died.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Do svidanya
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. China don't feckin care as it doesn't involve them, as long as they are selling shite to the west, they are happy and allowing the European nations/USA to become embroiled in diplomatic spats is of no real consequence. They will no doubt come out in support of Russia, as their human rights issues are even worse than the Russians. They also have to account for their own behaviours as bully boys in the east. You cannot condemn one nation for similar behaviours.
    The North Koreans will have told the general public it was there latest death ray, laser beam weapon that they tested to prove how they are the greatest nation in the world whilst the continue to inflict virtual genocide on their own people.
    Iran are more worried about the growth of ISIS than a plane carrying European Christians that was shot down by other Christians.
  6. You say Do svidanya, I say privyet (I think there's a song about that comrade) :)
  7. stuff this, back to work and the real world
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Heads up:

    Personal insults are not tolerated here will result in a short holiday from the forum.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Ban them all ;)
  10. I agree..............;)
  11. @Arquebus, he's calling you a tool now! Shocking

    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Anywhere nice Rob? All expenses paid?
  13. imagine the scenario: you've got a bunch of militia intent on returning control of Ukraine to the Russians. They steal or are given a truck full of SA-11s, complete with the radar guidance truck and some people who may or may not speak Russian rock up to help the militia operate the rockets.

    An aircraft comes into view.

    Quick Igor, shoot it down.
    Da. ​

    Igor looks into the sky and sees the aircraft, locks his radar onto it and lets a missile fly.

    Igor, why did you not shoot the low flying military aircraft down?
    Low flying??
    • Like Like x 1
  14. I resemble that remark.......
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. The gender of El T's bike in another thread was funny though.
  16. Burn them all, witches...
  17. Just because America is less than perfect doesn't make Russia better. America has helped spread democracy and wealth aound the globe, Russia only ever exported communism.
  18. Let us not forget the victims of the Soviet shooting down of the JAL 747 or the American shooting down of the Iranian Airbus, both of which happened with large loss of life. Unfortunately mistakes do happen.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. America less than perfect? That's an understatement.

    with regards to the Iranian jet. The person responsible faced no sanction whatsoever. In fact a few years later they gave him a medal. The consequences of that idiots actions were

    1) the destruction of Pan Am 103
    2) the unwarranted sanctions placed on Libya and
    3) the imprisonment of an innocent man

    I feel sorry for all those on board and their families, but have no time for US/UK foreign policy as it is one monumental fuck up after another.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Ps which all may well be why the Americans or not saying too much.

    Pot, kettle, black etc
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