Female Machines

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Count, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. At least some of the shallow gene pool types admit applying gender to their machinery. I admire their honest, if nonetheless deluded minds.

    I'm curious how far this would be taken by those who unashamedly admit to owning female machinery. Would smaller like a monkey bike still work? Would bigger? Not just a car but what about a lorry? Or a plane (non Malaysian, an actual flying one). What about a space station. Is the ISS a she?

    Boats after all are launched as female with a (similarly deluded) reference to an omnipresent deity.

    It seems bikes are the smallest machines we apply gender to and above that, everything is female if you're into it. I'm thinking some gun lovers also do the same thing but that may just be my mind racing after too much late night coke zero - she's a lovely drink.
  2. The ISS is definitely a he. I think NASA named it Apollo Creed
  3. I consider my bikes more as pets rather than women. The Guzzi, for instance, is very much a labrador, always happy, always dependable, but slightly ungainly at speed. While the Shitebird is an altogether more serious proposition; fast and sleek, with a slightly more menacing aura, it's definitely a Doberman.
  4. My bikes are girls because I like to ride them I don't fancy riding a bloke. My wife started it by naming my 996 Catalina "Cat" for short and my daughter named my carby 900ss Sophia. It maybe a bit funny but fun is good life can be too serious!
  5. You'll be telling the Queen I take it. ;) (Bet you hate smileys as well) So this includes patting the tank at the end of an ardous journey then? Can't see what's wrong with a bit of 'endearment' in this increasingly sterile world
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  6. Sailors referred to ships as "she" in honour of the women they left behind when they went to sea. This started centuries ago... guess it's just evolved from there to include modern day forms of transport.

    Obviously, there are a few souls around who would rather not honour the women they left behind.......lol
  7. I had a mate who called his knackered old Transit "Jean-Claude" - the damn van... :D

    But back to gender - if we were French we wouldn't think it odd at all.
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  8. I had a metro van called bastard liitle shit. Gave it a kicking when it wound me up and sold it to a mate complete with a pair of steel toe cap boots for when it fucked him about.
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  9. I definitely don't need to honour the women in my past. One in particular could well be the subject of a Vogon poem.
  10. I've never named any inanimate object apart from a rubber plant who I named Manfred when I was about 12 - although that was a living thing so probably doesn't count - had it for years to
  11. Naming plants counts Char, you're as mad as the rest.
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  12. Ah.......I thought it was because Exige is a mate of yours.................;)
  13. nothing wrong in giving an inanimate object a name
    christ even my ex missus had a name and you cant get much more inanimate :Hilarious:
  14. None of mine have a gender but I do talk to them.... Along the lines of....

    "round the corner! Go round! , go round! Go round!!! "

    Open the garage door....." you'd better fucking start!...... "

    That kind of thing...
  15. In fact... Saying that my wife calls them fanny and Mary as I'm always playing with them...

  16. A bit like this then...........
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