Very similar to me Al. I have been riding bikes with a few breaks for 45yrs, and notice the huge increase in the volume of traffic. This only really bothers me when my ride fun is diminished because I'm caught in slow moving traffic. Overall, relatively speaking, I don't have too many issues with the standard of driving in the U.K as I ride bikes every year in India, where it's complete madness and a constant fight to stay alive. I have C.O.P.D, so I get out of breath just putting on my leathers, but I do find that an hours riding the bike very therapeutic on many levels, I think the 'Ram air' effect forcing more air into my lungs, especially at higher speeds gives me a more Oxygenated brain with consequent greater clarity. I feel so much better after a ride than before. As far as confidence is concerned, I believe there is no substitute for hours spent in the saddle, the more you ride ( assuming you survive) the more skills you accumulate and I agree with Johnv: "The best position to be on the road is to have space in front of you, which gives you options."
Never all this poncy breathing nonsense, Forty fags a day is what you need my friend!..... Now where did I put my iron lung?