There is a simple solution. People are increasingly segregated and divided into small groups, in their opinions, political views, financial standing, religion etc etc. This is intentional, it is a great distraction, it controls the masses into manageable groups. The one thing that scares governments is people standing in unison, people power if you like. This will never happen since we are all tied up in our own world with our own priorities. You have to understand that when you get to the basics, we all want the same thing.
I`m proud to live in a country with a welfare state, I think it is a fantastic thing that we, in general, are prepared to pay taxes in the knowledge that OUR money is being used to help those in need amongst other things. I like to think that most people here feel the same way. Several things I am not happy about though. Politicians gloating how much they spend, surely it should be about value for money not just how much of OUR money they chuck at something. Politicians should spend less instead of raising taxes, maybe even reduce them once they stop wasting OUR money. We pay income tax, council tax, road tax, insurance tax, vat, fuel duty etc etc. That is too much . Stop bashing rich people and companies for paying as little as they can. That's generally what we would all do. If the rules allow a multinational company to be based in Ireland and pay a lower rate of tax there than if they were here then the rules needs changing. How many of us here would happily pay more in tax than we need to ? Rich people not only pay more tax than poor people, they spend more on food, cars, holidays etc. They keep loads of other people in work. We should be delighted when someone is earning £5million a year. They pay more tax in a week than I do in 2 years ! How many nurses, teachers, etc etc do they pay for ? Phuque site more than I do, not for want of trying I should add. Generally speaking lower tax rates raise more in tax . Help the poorly paid by getting rid of all income tax up to say £25k . Help those who cant work for whatever reason but for those that choose not to work there have to be sensible limits. For example a cap on child benefits, maybe max 2 children per adult or 4 per couple. Nobody is saying don't have more children, just don't expect the state to pay so you can have 5 or 6 or 7. A cap on housing costs. I have worked all my adult life and there are limits to what I can afford and therefore where I can live so if people on benefits cant get a house in parts of London that is just life isn't it ? Accept the NHS is not a world leader in health provision. I love the NHS for saving my brother`s life a few years ago but it is in dire need of a change. Too many knee jerk reactions from people who perhaps should investigate the health provisions elsewhere in the world. That is probably enough to be going on with.....
Our neighbour is in her mid forties, lives with her son who has his own car, in a rented 3 bedroom house. She was made redundant about 5 years ago and has not worked since. She has since had a back problem causing her to walk with a limp. In April a brand new Golf TDi appeared at the front of the house, we heard her telling a friend she has got it because she can't walk very far! FFS what does she need 20k worth of car for? Her son could take her in his car or her parents who come round most days in their car. I was made redundant last year and since have tried to make a go of being self employed working at home making half of what I was on, never even considered claiming benefits, haven't even had any redundancy pay yet. My wife works full time and is well paid, but both our cars and my bike added together only come to half the value of her car.
yeh have to agree there,all seems very strange to me. i got laid off and within 5 weeks had sold my beutiful v70 and bought a £300 pos box purely as that covered my financial level,and it does 50mpg etc as opposed to 17mpg in the volvo , that had no future whilst unemp for sure. nobody will ever guess what car it is either. lmao.probably why im feeling tad persecuted. guess i must be in line for a new v70 now then cos my backs fkd and i walk like a duck.
After watching a display given by dolphins behind a net in a corner of Fremantle Harbour I asked the trainer why the dolphins didn't just jump the net and swim off into the ocean, which they had just demonstrated they were perfectly capable of doing, and he replied "because they are safe an we feed them regularly".
I once watched a Dolphin ask for cigars on a TV show. Must mean they're all nicotine addicts. Obvious innit.
What really annoys me is that despite giving all these benefits to these eastern Europeans........ they still think it's ok to eat all our swans and common carp !
They eat our swans coz they is related to the queen innit. Bleeding Saxe Coburg gypos. Obvious innit.
I really object to gross salaries and bonuses that are not inline with the merit of the job. How can you get a bonus for failure? % of tax should be level as long wage structure is level, don't get me started on stamp duty! FFS
Exactly. Best we dig up that new road around Telford then and give it back to the EU who paid for it as well......hmmmm. Can't help thinking the "keep money in the country" approach may have some significant flaws.
You should try living with mobility problems, it's no joke, not by a long way. Mobility cars are heavily subsidised and there are a lot of criteria to getting one. Back problems are especially fickle, just because her son has a car doesn't mean she can actually travel in it as the seats are critical. For someone with limited mobility reliability is also critical, relying on lifts isn't really viable if there is any alternative. My experience since 2012 has illustrated one thing beyond anything else - if you have never lived with restricted mobility you have NO IDEA how difficult it can be.
the mobility scheme was, don't know about now, wide open for abuse. witnessed it on a daily basis, the fiat dealership i worked at in oban was the only motability dealer in the area, a lot of the pikeys had them also for transporting their grossly overweight chain smoking partners around. my sister is thalidomide but didn't qualify because like most genuinely disabled people they learn to get around their disability. not that she needs the money she is a teacher.
Corrected for you. I know of two able bodied people who have a change of car every three years because of this. One claims to have M.E. (they have never done a days work in their life yet manages to go to a boxing gym five days a week), and the other claims to have a bad back yet most weekends can be found in her local nightclub throwing shapes on the dance floor. And the cars are not just simple cars to transport them around. Mr "ME" drives a top of the range Qashqai, which I think retails at £28.5k, and Ms "Broken Back" has the top of the range SEAT Leon which retails at £27k. The system stinks.