Finding exceptions to the rule to justify or promote an argument is a well established tabloidesque method to incite stupidity. Dont be an idiot.
the real underlying problem is quite simple basically the social welfare system is competing for punters against employers intent upon maximum profit and minimum costs, for people with large families and few marketable skills the social welfare system wins every time. if benefits stopped after x number of children the large benefit families would very quickly disappear when people faced a real cost for having large families rather than the current reward culture for their choices.
Yes, that. Or, tailor the system so that having children simply for the purpose of obtaining your own property becomes less attractive. Somehow.
The challenge with any system is you cannot capture any and all possibilities really. Our system has no doubt suffered abuse but is needed for many. The backlash if these programmes is the knee jerk reaction that focuses on the few, ignoring the legitimate many. It also plays to both ends of the spectrum. Take the pic below which is a capture that just appeared on Facebook Bikers. It may be real or it may be planted to initiate hostility. The reality is I can't know or check so it's posted to inflame opinion and judging by the response, it's working. Today we have potential new laws to prevent UK citizens fighting abroad, something we have done for centuries.
You are quite correct. However I only know of two people that claim mobility allowance. They both have great cars for next to fuck all, and all sorts of other benefits, which I don't think they are entitled to. That's 100% abuse in my little world
I know of a scumbag too. Yep theyre about. But as Ive noted many times, what goes around, comes around. Far too many people use this approach to justify a point of view though. It is as if they imagine the rest of the world is as dim as they are. We are not. You justify a point of view with overwhelming and irrefutable evidence. Not the odd exception. I am open to a change of view if the evidence is reasonable and the argument is sound, but as soon as i see this tactic all I wonder is what is the motive. I find what Count posted amusing. If it was true I find it a very funny attempt to annoy us brits. What a crap attempt. I could piss off the whole of Islam is nanoseconds. We are a lot harder to freak out. That will just get the Mail readership freaked and for that I am actually thankful. Its so immature an attempt it has to be fake. Its pythoneque in a way. "i laugh at you silly engleesh kinigits".
Bootsam, do you think we should ignore abuse where we find it ? Is the abuse that El T mentions a price worth paying for the greater good of many ? Or is the abuse that El T mentions denying people in genuine need and stealing from us all ?
bleeding hearts, left wing liberals and political correctness are slowly choking the western world ignoring abuse and doing nothing about it is not the answer
Yes and we know what hard line, right wing numpties and racist or derogatory oppression brought us. We swing from one to the other other depending upon the economy and world events. Ignoring need and doing nothing is worse. I'd rather die of compassion than die without a soul.
I'm with you brother! Unfortunately I don't have the answer on how to stop these wasters abusing the system, without affecting the cases that genuinely need help. Greater brains than mine have tried and failed. However we should still keep trying. No matter what we do there will always be people who will channel their thoughts and efforts in trying to fiddle the system rather than do a honest days work for the benefit of their families and the community.
And that's the issue, and it doesn't just apply to those at the lowest end of the perceived social spectrum. There are people at all levels trying to play the system. It needs to be stamped out but until its considered socially unacceptable by the general population its not going to happen.
Plenty of wealthy people fiddling tax and huge multinational companies using tax avoidance that costs us billions, yet the focus is on a minority of scroungers. I have no problem with coming down hard on the scroungers as long as the needy are not made to feel like parasites. I'd sooner we came down harder still on the rich greedy bastards who fleece us all, yet somehow thats okay. But then that capitalism for you. I have no real answers either. No-one has. Thats why this mess is all around us. In times of plenty no-one bats an eye lid. Soon as a recession hits, out come the right wing blaming everyone and taking no responsibility themselves. Yeah, thats why Ive got a sparrows dick. You gets what you pays for.