Second Malaysian Plane.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducati2242, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. So here's me thinking.

    Russia won't admit to supplying the missile.

    The world sanctions russia.
    Russia cuts off gas.
    People go elsewhere, costs go up but Russia is unaffected, so the sanctions don't really hurt Russia at that point.
    So, everyone then puts more sanctions in place, overseas assets owned by Russians are seized/frozen (uks most expensive penthouse, one Hyde park is owned by Russians) banks with hold money/ jewels etc..
    The Russians get pissed and see it as an act of war.
    Bang, world war three?
  2. Hm also possible. One thing is rich like to be rich and comfy in war not so easy that one. Also sanctions means loads of things that go to Russia would stop how long will they hold out before poor get hungry.....
  3. So how long before"Special forces" contain the area then ??
  4. The poor in Russia have always been nothing's going to change there then.
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  5. Erm in Russian history a ku was almost always army against government.
  6. What's in it for the septics?
    If yankeedoodledandy hasn't got an asset to strip, oil to take or other gain they'll not mess with the Russians.
  7. Didn't realise thats only the USA have "Special forces"
    Russia has already quoted that they blame the "yuk's" for not controlling their own country and that Russia are not involved in any way................
    #127 stu-pendus, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2014
  8. So the missile carrier was known to have been supplied by the Russians and has been shown driving back to Russia with a missile missing. The West is still pussy footing around by still blaming the separatists and inadequate training. But as most of the so called separatists have been shown in previous reports over the last few months to have been Russian Troops I wonder why the blame isn't all with Putin. Diplomacy is not always right, even if the main reason for it is to prevent war. What would history have shown if this was the case in the last century, there would be BMW's, Audi's and VW's all over our roads now, ah, hang on a minute...
  9. Global diplomacy is a lot like the business world - you tend to blame the people you think you can get away with antagonising, not the ones that can turn around and give you a right kicking.

    Something about "low hanging fruit" or something.
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  10. Russia is a huge country. It is mostly 3rd world. With significant bits of high 1st world. The high 1st world control what the majority 3rd world think, do, live even. After all there is no greater threat to Russians than from Russia itself. Russia has killed millions and millions of its own people. 10's of millions. It also prevented invasion by throwing millions upon millions against a better equipped (mostly), highly proficient enemy and won through strength of numbers. It has just also lost its empire. It wants it back. But before, it could bully and the west would idly stand by as it rolled over eastern Europe. So it thinks it can do it again. I think Putin thought he'd have a go again, annexing countries on the basis of protecting Russians when Russia cares little for its own people. Russia has a new Tsar and its back to the days of the Romanov's. Its jealous of Europe, America, China even.

    If they had any honour and were astute about it all, they would just hold their hands up and say, yep sorry. Accident. We'd all just have a moan for a while and leave em to it. But they lack that finesse. He got away with a few ruses before but thinks he can still use them. Alas he's been found out and the whole world, the whole fucking world, knows he is a liar. A bullshitter masquerading as a statesman. If I was an Oligarth, the guys days would be numbered. He has become a liability to their wealth. Without which they can't rebuild on the quiet, because thats what Russia needs to do. Keep its head down for a decade or two. If the Oligarchs don't seize this opportunity now, then Russia truly is fucked. Because it will have also lost its backbone.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Bootsam Yep a ku
  12. If that means - bootsam is a cunt, i'd agree.
  13. Anyhu knowing how Russia operates excuse will go along the line:

    On day of the incident we have lost contact with one of our training rockets. It was launched on the same day as always to perform a routine tests of in flight maneuverability. It was launched over Russian air-space. After further investigation it has come to light that Malaysian airlines MH17 has collided with our rocket causing it to crash and subsequent loss of contact. While there was no casualties or injuries to Soviet rocket operators this reckless move has put them in direct danger. Our investigation has also concluded that all two hundred and nighty eight spies on board of the aircraft have been killed. Russia, as innocent party in this tragic incident, will have to seek justice and we will make sure that governments of all 298 spies on board the aircraft will be punished. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. German spelling?
  15. I can't help feeling that what drives Russian power, what motivates the movers and shakers above all, is a love for money (so what's new?) and the conspicuous spending of it.
    This is best served by being open to the West, not by withdrawing from it.
    Go to Moscow. The monied classes are driving Western motors, not Moskavitches or even Zils. The are eating western food provided by imported chefs. They are wearing western luxury clothes and buying western luxury goods.
    Do they really want all this crashing around their ears?
    Russia is an interesting market for Western goods, but it's not half as interesting as the Asian market. How many western companies would really see their bottom line and share price suffer if their trade with Russia went tits up?
    I think the Russians have a lot more to lose than they have to gain by playing silly buggers and Putin no doubt derives his support from the same movers and shakers.
  16. It's not a feeling, it's the truth - the only reason he hasn't yet gone into Eastern Ukraine after amassing thousands of troops on the border after his 'annexation' of the Ukraine was the sanctions imposed on the Rich. There will be an internal power struggle between the ruling (read mafia) classes but as someone said earlier - the biggest fear is from within which is why Ukraine steering towards the West was and is such a headache for them.
  17. This is a great distraction from Israel. But anyway, I see the PM spouting off about how the EU should use more sanctions. Oh dear! Please go away, your annoying. Is the Muppet EU or not!

    Flair, well he isn't saying a dicky bird about Israel. Someone is paying him a salary.

    If I were putty, I'd tell you all to go get stuffed. Mind your own, if not, let's have a go.

    Its all a lot of bollocks. The Afghan pipeline is protected now, putty just needs to close the valve and we all go buy some candles.
  18. I see this morning they now claim a fighter jet was close by moments before the plane came down, that's more like what happened.

    Prob already been said but not read the whole thread.
  19. It's all supposition and I don't know. But if I was a betting man I'd be more likely to put my stake on a macho incompetent with a ground to air missile rather than a qualified pilot who could get close enough to the plane to see that it was a passenger jet.
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