How does that pay for their food or housing Fin. Not everyone has family who can support them. It all starts with education and giving everyone the chance they need as kids. Invest heavily in the kids and screw the rest of us as we are all fucked up anyway. Start again for the future. Look after the old folk properly. All us lot in the middle are the problem. (sick, disabled and injured excepted) If you want to pay less tax, then community volunteers who help and care for people and society to get tax credits. Promote it, give em a nice big lump of credit. School and all forms of government to be secular. Banish all religion. Its bloody idiotic in the 21st century to believe in deities. Move the fuck on. If you wish to practise religion then piss off somewhere else. Reward the right people. Value nurses, firemen, carers etc. Screw the footballers and the pop stars. I have no issue with tycoons and entrepreneurs. But they must fairly help the society too. Not just themselves. Reward them for the contribution though. Remove the Lords. Put people in their who matter. Not some daft old heriditory peer or some old politician that towed the party line. Choose long termist political and societal change. Not what gets the best vote.
i didnt say work for free. a wage over and above the dhss payment. 3-4 days a week.minimum. i did it after being made redundant as an apprentice. i was never homeless but trust me i was proper skint for a long time.
I did something like that too. Was good fun. I worked 21hrs for age concern doing gardens and painting and decorating. Got my dole and a few extra quid too. Plus it got me out and about of the hostel i was in at the time. Was a valuable life experience too.
I thought that too, probably an EDL member or BNP member. If he is who he claims perhaps he should be offered a job teaching English, as his is noticeably better than many white British dole scroungers. If nothing else many migrants come here to try and make a better life for themselves and their families, what is the chav dole scroungers excuse?
i was with sustrans converting railways to cycle paths, loved it. i was in the forward crew, turfing trees, repairing bridges, crazy paving stuff like that.. and it got me back in the habit of working again
One old lady insisted, and I mean insisted - you know what old ladies can be like, that she make me a bacon roll every morning. I was clearing her garden. The bacon roll was always awful, greasy on a stale crap bun. Somewhere in her garden are 7 or so bacon rolls buried.
A politician that offered something completely different would get the support of the people. I don't mean right-wing nutters or communists but a completely new way of dealing with others based on fairness, safety and happiness instead of money. Destroy capitalism and the capitalist greed drivers. Limit profits. More profit last year = lower costs next year. Business that aims to make enough money to pay everyone a fair wage that provides a comfortable life in exchange for labour and covers all their costs, not seeking ever more profits for share holders. Unfortunately the media control exposure to new ideas and a new idea that promotes less greed in business won't get exposure and will fail until greedy capitalist pigs implode and we're all left with the mess. While the election system depends on making people like you rather than by showing you're good at your job then the political system will always be fucked. Would you employ some one that was completely unqualified to run your business just because you liked him more than another unqualified candidate? I'd like to think you'd send them both packing and find someone capable instead.
Saw 30 sec of this crap last night, on fat heffa gets 60k a year! WTF, surly that's BS......if. to fk you Mr Cameron Sir, your a twat for letting crap like this go on.
are they still getting £60k a year? I thought benefits were capped at £26k which is net which equate to around £35k before tax which is 50% above the average wage benefits should have been capped at the equivalent of the average wage after tax no beneficiary should be receiving more than the average person working and paying tax
Just an idea but what about tagging everyone that claims benifits. Then movements can be monitored and means tested.
Well.. I saw a bit of the program yesterday and some of the people pictured should be housed in in purpose built accommodation and only be given the minimum. Love how one group had been granted a housing benefit and when the rent came in lower they actually got cash-back from the landlord who was paid by the benefits office!! That these people are actually given cash is beyond me. That goes for the people handing out the benefits as well..
If you have nothing to contribute to society. Intillegtually or financially then you should be excluded from society. The British tried this years ago and the place they used for the excluded was Australia
theirs a charity based organization up here, claiming full housing benefit for each small room and i mean small. think its in region of £200 a week for each of its occupants.