I jumped the car late last night to her dads car, it sprung into life but once I pressed the button, it just died and the dash started clicking and flickering. The problem is that if is a flat battery, that may not be covered by the warranty and the towing cost. Oh dear.
ok, 1.6 147 broke a belt, clipped a couple of rods and front end is weak 2.0 147 no issues, got a speeding ticket 159 blew a couple of turbos or manifold something, definitely had a new turbo and couple of other major engine issues. all warranty and once fixed, no issues. Brera, this is the first issue, flat battery or something simple, not know as yet. Actually, no, heater or something was replaced.
A decent garage doing a service should check the battery as a matter of course. I bet they say they do on the checklist that comes with the service. If that's the problem I would bat it back to them to sort for free
My old Alfa 75 twin spark used to have a red flashing warning light on the dash. It was there to let you know the car was going to explode imminently. Ended by taping it over! Character it's what you pay for.
Bah! I'm not saying it isn't the battery - after all, since when was I a motor mechanic? But the battery on my 33 SW lasted about 10 years - car fired up first time after a 3 week holiday in midwinter when it had been under snow for some days, and it must have been almost 10 then. I had to change one on my 156 after about 8 years, but that was only because I was leaving the car for long periods (like 6 weeks or so, repeatedly) without use while I was out of the country (in the UK in fact). If you use the thing regularly, it seems that the batteries last for absolutely ages.
broken main earth will cause this also. had lots of missed diagnosed fiats and alfas getting starter motors and alternators come through my door just requiring an earth lead. but theses guys should now what there doing.
I think coming on 4 years. She bought it new, additional years warranty, so, I think 4 years this August. BTW, the red Alfa paint is terrible. Easily chipped, we asked about that as well and they have sent photos away to a district manager or someone like that.