I live in London and I'm off to Truro for work for a couple of days and i need to be there first thing Monday morning. I was going to catch the sleeper train on Sunday night but now I've got Mutley I thought I could leave early doors on Sunday morning and make a scenic road trip out of it. I've only just got my licence and therefore have very little experience. Any suggestions on a nice route and how to approach my first big ride?
Don't over complicate it. Stay off the M4/M5 as too boring. M3, A303, A30, A39 should give you plenty of fun whilst still being good roads. In terms of first big ride, just take it easy and take your time. If you're leaving Sunday morning, you'll be in no rush which is good. Pack stuff you might need where you can get to is quickly (waterproofs, wallet etc) and stop for fuel every 100 miles or so to give yourself a break and so that you know you're not pushing it on range. Other than that, enjoy!
As Al says. Deffo. M3, A303, A30, A39. Especially on a nice early hours ride. Give the motorway a miss. Boring.
I've done this trip a million times as my family are in Penzance. You've got a bunch of very cool options and depends how much of a mission you feel like? From London your main choices are the M3 / A303 or just cover the distance on the M4 so you can spend more time on the better roads after Bristol further west. The A303 is excellent if you get it nice and early when it is quiet, but can get very busy during the day. Head north at Yeovil or Ilminster if you are going to then do the north coast road below. The north coast road from Bridgewater/Taunton through Exmoor is absolutely incredible, as good as anything you'll find anywhere. Current issue of SuperBike mag with the Panigale R / RSV4 / etc review is done on this road. It's quite challenging so be careful not to get carried away as there are a lot of accidents on this road. Continue all the way down on the A39 until joining the A30. Alternatively continue on the A303 down to Exeter on very good but often busy roads. From Exeter down to Truro you are on the A30 anyhow which is pretty awesome as it winds it's way over dartmoor and Bodmin moor. If you didn't have time to do the full north coast road through Exmoor then you could do the A361 through Tiverton up to the north coast and down the A39 which is a quicker but still exciting ride.
Agreed! Whichever way you go, its a great opportunity to use the bike as a 'bike'. Lots of nice snappy overtakes and filtering if it gets busy. Going past Illminster is a good shout (mind the speed camera on the single track/dual carriageway section) then up to Minehead and the North Coast road (see day 2 in reverse on the below) Me Time In Devon/s.wales | Ducati Forum
I'd echo A303 then A30. I also avoid the M3 to get to the A303 and head through Guidlford way and take the back roads towards Moto Rapido and pick up the A303 near there. Given it's only a short blip on the M3 though, make life easy and go early and the road will be clear and quite a decent ride. Avoid druids near Stonehenge, they stick in the tyres.
Another good shout. A3/A31 or all the way down the A3 and pick up the A272 at Petersfield to Winchester, up the A34 and A303.
Great advice guys, just the ticket. I'm from Tavistock and am reasonably familiar with the roads despite using M4/M5 most of the time in the car. Yup - planning to leave 7:30-8 Sunday morning so that I can take it really steadily and not put myself under any pressure.
If it was me, Id do the A3 and enjoy the 272. Just mind out through the villages.....its where they hide the speed cameras!
A272 is a great road, I first testrode a Panigale 1199 on that road. I nearly mentioned it earlier but wasn't sure if you would want to spend time on the twisties so close to London.
Keep to 30's and 40's and rarely an issue. Go 272 to winchester, then pick up the Stockbridge road, Salisbury, hop up and cross the 303 the. Pick up the 39 (as above) If you are giving yourself all day why not enjoy it?!
No Sat Nav needed: South, then follow the the sea with it on your left (alternatively on your right for a longer more scenic route) - can't miss it and if you do you'll fall off a cliff when you've gone too far...
Top tip from someone who lives in Cornwall... Yes, take the A303 - much less boring than the motorways and, to be honest, no slower. When you get to Exeter take the A30 to Bodmin then Truro. Don't be tempted to take the A38 via Plymouth.
I'm thinking Moretonshampstead, across Dartmoor, stop at my mum's in Tavistock and then back roads to Launceston to pick up the A30 again. Is that little road over Dartmoor nice for bikes? I've over driven it once or twice.
First long ride, don't try to do too many miles in one hit. Just stop for five minutes as often as you like, stretch your legs, shut your eyes, drink a swig of water, check your maps/satnav, then get going again. 50 miles at a time is plenty to begin with. You must maintain full concentration every second you are moving! Do not risk a lapse in alertness. You need your gloves, boots, jacket neck, helmet strap to be really comfortable. If they are even slightly too loose. tight or maladjusted, this will get really annoying after 300 miles.