Was looking promising with Billy Connolly's opening monologue then it turned horrendous don't know who that weird lass was and FFS John Barrowman!! It made me cringe, once the marching band came in it improved Lizzies Bentley looked amazing! & the best big screen display I've seen
think it sold the place for what it is. maybe just my sense of humor but i got it.i did cringe at first tho. deffo different to the London opening ceremony. which was excellent.in a west end production kind off way.
What a crock of shit. Hopefully next year if they want to see the Red Arrows they'll have to pay for them.
I never bother with these ceremonies but from the highlights I saw, we are better off if the Scots vote to break away. I suspect a vote across all of the UK would see a resounding vote for Scotland to be independent from the English anyway. They don't seem to have a clue what benefits we bring and in the run up to these games had suggested they should retain funding from England for Scottish sports even after independence.
Was liked here in NZ apparently, so the TV news said, and not even the channel covering the Com Games. I didn't see it so can't comment personally.
I never watched it and I live in Glasgow. Could have had tickets to it for nothing if I'd wanted. I'd prefer to see the bloody pavements fixed, the potholes in the roads filled in and the streets cleared of rubbish better than these vanity projects, of which we've had many. Its a Glasgow specialty. Glasgow IMHO is its own worst enemy, they've been voting Labour time and time again for God knows how long, so the council just does what it likes and its made some real cracking fuck ups. Any of you heard of the Bruce plan in the 60s? To tear down the city to the ground........every last building; then rebuild as high rise. Westminster and the senior civil servants saved the city from that particular GCC bullet. Still we managed to pull down some really fabulous Victorian gems, run a Motorway through the center, effectivly disconnecting parts of the city. The East end regeneration they are crowing about now was de-populated in the 60s and 70s by the council as a strategy. We had the head of the council stuffing cocaine up his hooter and getting found out among other things and nobody really bothered too much. Turfed him oot and put another guy in charge, then business as usual. I suppose we're all too busy swilling Bucky and begging to care. Maybe Count has a point. Why is everybody so quick to judge, condemn and sentence? Perhaps my lack of mental capacity from all that in breeding and alcohol prevents an informed, reasoned judgement. Are we fit to be allowed to vote????.....................Right I'm away to wallow in my own shit and get oot ma face. Apologies for going off topic
I don't see why Scots should be ruled by a London parliament and more importantly, I have major issues with Scottish MPs in Westminster voting on issues in my country that their own parliament decides at home. It's a broken model. Back to the games, I don't even get the Commonwealth Games as a deal, it's just some legacy throwback inviting people us English invaded in our history. I doubt the medals are as respected and the whole thing seems like no big deal to me. bah humbug etc...
Seemed that most of the spectators saved their (soon to be our money, get your own sorted out pretty quick) money and watched it in the park. There were more empty seats an at a Scottish home game at Murreyfield.
Your right there and don't you forget it. I'm just about to get the bike out and get as far away from this mayhem as I can. The West Lothian question. Totally agree with you on that we have no right whatsoever to vote on things that are not our concern. For the record I'm against separation, the current situation is far from perfect, but for the life of me I cannot understand the rush to vote for what amounts to me as a total unknown. Your both right though I'm just grumpy old fuck today, sorry. Last post as I don't want to drag this "off topic" John
The opening ceremony for me just highlighted the twee 'scottishness' of country dancing and folksiness of yesteryear. A view promoted by the Yes campaign of some notional ideal of what scottishness should be about, in THEIR opinion. Scotland needs to remember its the 21st century and that we've done fuck all since the industrial revolution to truly modernise the place. We're in danger of becoming a oldy worldy exhibition. The SNP will never truly modernise. They're too infatuated with the old notional ideals as are a significant part of the populace. Hence why we all fuckoff somewhere else. There are more Scots in other parts of the world than there are in Scotland. Why is that I wonder?
bollox. Scotland isn't and doesn't want to be a world super power interfering in every ones lifestyles we are what we are. if you couldn't see the brand being sold there. you is as blind as you is cynical. people don't come to Scotland to see it's technical marvels they come to witness it's history and it'speople..
I enjoyed. Pissed myself laughing at the first segment. Do t know why we had Barrowman. I would have had Donnie Munroe for that bit. For our English friends, the first section was exactly as it was introduced. It was Scotland taking the piss out of itself. It was supposed to be twee. The woman singing was a well known Comedian. If you don't know here then.......but maybe you don't know Donnie Munro either. Maybe it's nice to be introduced to something new? As for the political crap on this thread. Scotland = 8.8% of the population and contributes 9.3% of UK GDP. So I you want to moan about money you are on weak ground. Talking of money. The Bank of England was founded by a Scot and is barely 6 years older than the Union. Sterling is not "your money", especially when you also factor in Wales. Still, why let the facts get in the way of a prejudice based rant. And Bootsam, a great deal of people enjoy a Ceilidh as much today as they did in the past. It is as current and as valid as our world renowned universities and engineering. If the SNP are so backward looking how come we are on track to have 50 % of energy from renewables by 2017? How come our food and drink exports are going through the roof? How come our games industry is leading edge producing the likes of Grand Theft Auto? You may have been born in Scotland but everytime you type you show you know nothing about it.