OK chaps and chapesses, Just buying a new house, need to sort out the garage. My old one was pretty good, but now that I have also used it in anger for storing and working on bikes, I need to improve on it with mark 2! New one will be a narrow but long footprint, 24ft (7.4m) long by about 7.5ft (2.3m) wide. My old one could store three bikes wide, being 10ft wide, but it was only 15ft long. I will have three bikes in there at a time minimum, and need to be able to work on the bikes properly. Am thinking of a two bike width at the front (for rideable bikes parked near the door), with a ramp and workshop area behind - which as they are all Ducatis, at least one of which will be on the bench at any given time! Looking for inspiration - I am starting from scratch so can do as I like. I have a decent workshop tool setup, but might have to invest in more steel cabinets et al, or do a fully fitted number (but not too wide to conserve workspace) Am thinking about recessed lift in the floor?! That would be nice and save space when not in use. I already have a lift, but think I would need a different model to do that. Also thinking about nice flooring rather than crappy concrete painted which all flakes up. Suggestions on lighting? Any pics of the best ones you have seen? Best, ChamMTB
Jerry, is the house in London. Moving to up near the park (Richmond park). Hard to find good garages anywhere around there. This one could be good, but is narrow. There is also a garage behind the house, owned by someone else - which I am going to try and snaffle as well if I possibly can, but no guarantees there. Apparently there is some "project" MGB in there that the guy bought and never really restored. But I reckon my chances of getting the garage are better before I move in with the Desmo! So going to ask nicely now......
thanks. I did have a look in the mancave thread, but it seemed to have become a "how bad a tip can I make my mancave" thread...... I might be at the other end of the spectrum in terms of my mancave. Am thinking JHP workshop but slimmed down.....!
I'm a floor layer depends on what kind of look you want and your budget . For an appetiser look at either altro or poly flor standard, it's the one with the little sparkly bit of metal like you would get in the back of a shop. Or google karndeane , knights tile range is the cheapest still might be abit pricey for your garage though . Any question pm me , happy hunting
I use this stuff: Industrial Flooring | Interlocking Floor Tiles from ecotile You can wash it, use paddock stands on it, cut it to fit and even walk on it. Good stuff and highly recommended.
Power Washer...? This could work...If you like that sort of thing...:biggrin: WDW2010 - Bike Wash - YouTube