I'm starting this thread because of a recent question about why black boxes are called "Black boxes" despite the fact that they are orange in colour.The answer is because it was designed by a Dr Black. Dont cheat and google the answers as you are only cheating youself. Most blokes like to have a few facts behind them. Let me start this off. SO,why is a tank (armoured vehicle) called a tank??
Oh yes,the Germans took a picture and we,(the british) said that it wasnt an armoured vehicle but a water carrier, a water tank hence tank. Well done. So why is a Sniper called a "Sniper" ??
Because it came from sports shooters who shot the Snipe birds which were notoriously hard to hit due to their low and fast flight pattern.
I read somewhere that they took the company IBM and just moved the letters back one, creating HAL, but thats probably just coincidence
No, that would be the realm of Belgian beers. Tastes gorgeous, but beware its freaking strong and always catches me out.
I've always been incensed by that slogan. Firstly, it would appear to be quite apparent that Carlsberg is not the best beer in the world. It's not the most sold, the most popular. And you'd have to find a very strange panel of experts to conclude that it was the best. And then "best" under what criteria? So what is the basis of probability that allows Carlsberg to claim that it is "probably the best"? Really? Prove it. I have never understood why the Advertising Standards Authority have allowed this. So can I say that I am probably the most intelligent, handsome and desirable guy in the world? Why not? Now, if Carlsberg had said "Possibly the best beer in the world", I wouldn't have an issue. That is true - it's within the bounds of possibility. Plus, it would have been a funnier, more ironic and self-deprecating slogan which might have sold more beer.