A themepark? Hey come and see us tossing cabers and dancing round swords, whilst our inner city estates crumble and we stoke up on tennants. I have every right to be critical of the nation I love. Its my right as a Jock. As it is your right to take me to task. I'd sooner see Scotland selling itself as a modern nation, not something dreamt up by W.Scott. I get fed up of the tartan stereotype and I can't tell you how much I hate county fucking dancing. Can we not create something new for a change? Lets wheel out Susan Boil (sic), a fucking Londoner Rod Stewart and a fucking Canadian to belt out shite. The Calvin Harris bit, I liked. Thats what it should've been. Our cool music, our new art and literature, etc. Stuff the old shite bring in the new as Auld Lang Syne. Hey you stick to the fodder. I'll tune into the new.
when a tourist comes to scotland. or when a nation is hosting an event the spectators want to know about it's culture.and history. not the latest technical advances being made. you are an engineer and smart enough to know about the intellectual base up here. how could of been any better. throw a gazillon pounds at it. it did a great job of welcoming the people of the commonwealth. which what it was all about.
The world already knows about the twee stuff Fin. How about promoting more stuff like I mentioned. How about making it more C.R.Macintosh & less W.Scott? Anyway I'm just grumpy because I've just run out of hash and I will have another 6-12mnth wait till I bump into some more. The Scott style of scottishness gets on me tits. Its an invention and has no reality today. I also liked the Tunnocks. But don't tell anyone.
most people just want a holiday not an education.what about these Pakistani girls then or is it just me.
I hate it. And all the Moira Stewart crap. Donald wheres yer fucking trousers can fuck off. Why not Franz Ferdinand, Mogwai or Arab Strap. Make it more dark in a Irving Welsh way and less bleeding Waverley. I find that image of Scotland patronising and condescending.
been living down there to long. wee both know it's not like that. if Pakistan was hosting it would you not want see there dancing girls other than there nuclear advances.
yeah but they'd have had their bits snipped and you wouldn't want a fatwa issued for unislamic congress
For the second time The opening section was a piss take of ourselves. Look at the London Olympics opening ceremony. There was the usual "how great are we" but there was also self deprecating humour. Especially the Queen /James Bond bit. It was brilliant. Either way, you may not like country dancing but plenty people do. You are entitled to your opinion but its only your opinion. Personally, I had no problem with an English fella banging out a few tunes. I like English people even though I want independence. The two are unrelated Being critical is easy
dude dont bite. boots knows independence is the correct course of action. he just cant say it on a public forum in case he gets fire bombed living down south.
You may like Rod Stewart and Susan Boil. But I dont. Neither do I like folky scottish shite 749er. Yes it is easy to be critical and If i dont like something i say so. If you loved it, good for you. Yes it is my opinion and yours is yours. You can neither compare it to the Olympics opening, thats like comparing dairylee with proper cheddar. I just thought it was well below par. We couldve done a whole lot better with the talent we have. Instead we went for the cheap mediocrity rather than belt out the sublime. I like the english too. I married one. But Stewart can get tae fuck. At least they never rolled out that Texas bint. Phew. I'd have preferred it a bit more Belle and Sebastian than Moira Stewart. But I liked the Calvin Harris. I wanted more of that. Plus I wouldve liked the humour to be more 'STONEYBRIDGE!' than camp vaudeville. I think you misunderstand my sentiment. I wanted it to be superb, but I was just disappointed to see more of what was perceived to be the 'safe' and 'cosy' image of our brilliant country. I'm fed up with that. We are so much more.
Relax OJ. Its all good natured. One thing us Jocks can do is argue without falling out too much. I dont begrudge people wanting to vote Yes. Its a matter for personal conscience. But as far as I am concerned, the Big Yin summed it up perfectly. Its an enormous risk to take with zero chance of turning back and we will get what we deserve. Damn i wish I hadnt read so much of our history as that usually means weve fucked oorsels.