1200 Grrrrrr...

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by bradders, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Refitted cat back so its more liveable for touring and Silverstone...and when fitting the cable back on the valve the fecking thing snapped where the nut goes! Swiss cheese metal plus shite corrosion protection equals cost me more fricken money and no idea if my cable toe solution will hold tomorrow or for Silverstone on Thursday

    I can feel a bike change coming on sooner than I planned.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. you see these pieces of meat......ham fists thats what they are...
  3. These things never end up one job :Banghead:
  4. Bradders I think I might have a spare second hand cable, let me check tomorrow.
  5. Call me in the morning mate. got 2 solutions for you.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. I've put the cat back on now, so will see if my heath Robinson approach to repair holds out and take up the offer of a cable, until I can find a decently priced used can to go on the decat
  7. 1 a desmo
    2 a superleggy..

    is that correct?
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  8. Time to turn Japanese I think! Lol
  9. Says the bloke with an aprilia in his avtar :Woot:
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  10. time to pay a proper mechanic to sort things....:Arghh:
  11. Yep, I'm sure a pro would have broken it in a whole better way
  12. Er, that's a Suzuki...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. That made him look!
    Updated it after bradders commented.
    He needs to off load that rusty old thing and get one of these.
    Nine years old and no rust.lol ImageUploadedByTapatalk1406391043.743578.jpg
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  14. I've got one of those ;)
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  15. is yours the 170 or 180 or 190 hp version Bradders.......:pompus:
  16. Mines the 150 hp one, the slow one, shame you'll never see how slow ;)
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  17. Bradders, pm your address I'll post out a cable on Monday, it's being used but should get you out of trouble.
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