Had a (male) work colleague who used to get shit off the missus on the phone when we were working abroad. He'd come off the phone and say to the nearest young lad on the job "Never marry a wuman son" John
A Scottish son brings his girlfriend home for the first time to introduce her to the family, "This is Amanda" "It's a fucking what???" says his Dad....
It comes from old Italian, meaning "break the table" banco rotto or some spelling like it from the Medici era in Florence Italy. When a money lender as I understand had too much debt or ran out of money the counter "table" they worked at was ordered to be broken so they couldn't work any more. Go to the Ducati factory and pull in the beautiful city if Florence recommended so so much. Ponte vechio us amazing.
Count the number of cricket chirps in a 15-second period, add 37 to the total, and your result will be very close to the actual outdoor Fahrenheit temperature.
Get Assassins Creed. Its an easier way to sightsee Florence plus you get to jump down on them with swords. Better arrangement all round.
This common everyday occurrence composed of 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, and 9% dioxide is called a 'fart'.
90% + of women at sometime in their life have had a lesbian experience - the other 10% should have had...