What's One To Do?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chrisw, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. I am Spartacus...:Sorry:

  2. I do hope this offer of help has been taken up, or at least acknowledged, even if privately/off the public domain.
  3. Nelson is a Padawan of ECU's
  4. I read that as "Padme of ECUs" at first. I guess that works, too.
  5. In fairness, the guy might be as already suggested, on holiday, hospital, the moon, christ knows where??? Not the point I know but how long have you been trying to get it back? I'd give him about a fortnight from the start of this thread - gives him a chance to put things right - then name and shame.

    Tis all I know
  6. Loaned in March.

    3 requests made to return via PM. None responded to despite member visiting site.

    Must be some defence lawyers on here.

  7. See post 22........
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I have what may be an ecu problem.. is this a good time?
  9. comedy is all about timing, so i would say yes.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. It ain't me (this time) :Muted:
  11. Worst case post up the address where it was sent, I'm sure someone will live near by.

    Would not be too much trouble for whoever loaned it to fire message back.

    Hope you get it back soon mate.
  12. Cheers chris.. I was serious despite the timing! ( dont think i need to borrow anything though) i will pm you when i sober up...
  13. That may be some time.
  15. Ha even I can outrun a piss head. Game on...chase me.
  16. March is plenty long ago. Name and shame.
  17. I eat bunnies for breakfast... And green barrettes... But i dont chase. I lay in wait (scented candles n stuff... you know the drill);)
  18. How many syllables? Is he a film, a book or tv proggie? Is there an 'E' in his name? Come on, theres a mob forming and if they aint appeased there will undoubtedly be a riot.
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