there was a young girl called Louise, her pubes reached down to her knees the crabs worked together to knit her a sweater so in the winter her bits didn't freeze. got to be a movie in that.
did someone say elsewhere education in scotland, was free/the best in the world?........ i present the counter argument.....
Its a new movie by the original director, not a remake like most people believe. I've been following the production for a while and I'm pretty hopeful it will be half decent.
As above, this is Mad Max 1.5 by the original director, and takes place between Mad Max and Mad Max 2 (Road Warrior), so it's not a reboot or remake by any means!
Yes I was 16 when I saw it at the cinema - I remember the Aussie leading man - I think he did quite well for himself later on :wink:
Not sure what you mean? It's not a continuity issue, he's just adding another film in between two existing ones!
Agree, that`ll be two V8 interceptors that have bitten the dust with Max at the wheel. Looks well worth a watch though.