Probably The same as i did in 1986 in NZ... Fuck all. I'n not saying its cool and kids should go through hardship I'm saying it is what it is.. And there is a choice.. I chose to shovel chicken shit for 17 cents an hour at 12 years old, it took 2 years of saving but i bought my first bike. I know there is only so many shit shoveling jobs to go around these days but the point is sacrafice! if these kids go without the xbox/Iphone/reboks/whatever for a few years there would be enuf to pay for school... But their parents think why should my child not have what the kid next door has? Fuck the future....
So who do you live with? How do you secure your future when vocational courses dont exist in enough abundance? Who keeps you in food and shelter while you languish on the dole as working for 17 cents wont pay the £400 rent on a single room? The govt in the UK see two great things in university and colleges: future growth in talent and a means to keep the employment rate down. Btw it is illegal (sure I'll be told thats a technically incorrect term, but its the gist) to be under 18 and out of some form of education.
who do i live with when i run out of work? how do i secure a future when jobs dont exist? who keeps me in food and shelter? I got a good idea DONT HAVE KIDS! unless you can afford their future. If you cant dont expect me to pay for em... I know I know the world would die out and there would be no future generation to look after us.
Degrees are fine, but only the start. You then go get chartered or do a masters or a PhD. About the fees, it is still heavily subsidised. Debt keeps the banks happy and that's one of the Governments jobs. OK, you get a £30k job, you just have more debt, bank gives you a bigger mortgage. You get a bigger loan for a better car. Nothing like getting kids used to being in debt. The attitude that a degree will get you the best job and earn loads is not true. At best, most will end up in an office, watching the clock. Give a man a job he enjoys, he will never have to work again.
Interesting perspective Evoarrow, the debt that never has to be repaid. The government shaves a few per cent off the deficit yet the total debt keeps on growing with little prospect of it ever being repaid and many students run up debts that will never be repaid because they will never earn sufficient to trigger the repayments before the debt is written off. Let the good times roll, for now anyway.
still waiting for an alternative chizel we have very little industry the armed forces are shrinking mechanics are now technicians and often highly educated what about manufacturing and engineering?! Its poundland, mcdonalds or asda from hereon...
so its not paid in higher skilled, higher paid and higher taxed jobs then? Who pays for NHS? Its not the 'average working man' on £20k pa with 2 kids. With family credits, rent and housing benefits and the new tax regime they don't contribute much to the coffers on tax collection. Yet with poor diet (all they can afford) smoking and drinking and no private healthcare they are a big drain on resources. I assume we should just cut them off then, righty?! Of course not!
The Road to Serfdom (Routledge Classics): F.A. Hayek: Books There are those who would argue that Capitalism has failed to get us here, I would argue that it has been a failure of Socialism with a society built upon redistribution of existing wealth rather than wealth creation (other than creating a few zeros on a balance sheet by sleight of hand).
About one out of every four pounds spent by the government is still borrowed. This is due to poor education. Good food is plentiful and cheap if you can cook as opposed to heating pre prepared crap food.
seeing as the wife's at her mothers tonight i got a king ribb supper on the way up the road. £4 seemed like good value to me.
That is because you value your time and can afford to pay £4 for something that probably cost £1 to make.
head down to the local Iceland or Asda or Waitrose, then the greengrocers and butchers. Tell me whats easiest and cheapest for a family of 4 with a weekly budget of £100 for food. Good luck getting lots of fruit, veg and high quality ingredients, never mid the cost of preparation and cooking using several burners and the oven rather than just the oven People bang on about give a bloke a fish blah blah blah, well for our youngsters an education is a net and a boat
Goes to prove exactly what I said about qualification inflation. Back in the day, having a PhD or a Masters was very rare. Now that degrees seem to be worth nothing, you need a PhD to have the status that a degree used to afford you. But if you have 50% of the young studying for degrees instead of 5%, the country has either become extremely brainy or degrees really are not what they were. Looking at international league tables of educational attainment in real terms, it looks like the latter. Surprise. Surprise.
Brave New World would be a good read here (I should re-read it; I haven't for the last 40 years). You will remember what happened when they put all the Alphas on to an island. If you train people to think and then give them mindless jobs, you are only going to make unhappy people. Mindless jobs are soul-destroying at the best of times.