Full Throttle: The Glory Days Of British Motorbikes Bbc4 8:00pm

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by CRYSTALJOHN, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. as above, been on before.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Good shout, yep repeat but worth another look

    And wont feel as bad knocking about in jeans and t shirt ;)
  3. Not sure if I am missing something here but on my bbc4 is the horizon guide to plane crashes?
  4. You're missing something.
  5. not looking on ITV4 are you?
  6. That in itself seems pretty interesting :)
  7. Moved to Lounge.
  8. Its already here......bit like in the movie Poltergeist, but without the annoying kid :Yuck:
  9. Moved back into the Lounge.

    Matt, behave yourself.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Well I recorded it anyway because I also thought that it might be a good watch.

    I went to have a look and guess what, it was the bike programme as per the original title even though the virgin programme guide said it wasn't???

    Talking about good watches, I tried on the new Seadweller 4000 this afternoon and whilst very very nice the bezel was a bit blingy and at £6.9k it was out of my price range (more Timex than Rolex at the moment)
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