Hand Held Speed Gun ????

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Carbon749, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Sadly I suspect their statistics will show those that have a squeaky clean record will be less likely to claim. The reality is that you will now be clumped in with captain careless who picks up the odd sp30 because he isn't really devoting the proper attention to driving. Same captain careless durfs into the back of the car in front in a queue of traffic from time to time.

    It's amazing how accurate a tool statistics can be. In my job as an account manager I have a portfolio of around 2000 accounts. By careful manipulation of various spreadsheets I can predict with a remarkable degree of accuracy who will spend, when, what on, and how to price them. I know who else they use, and what their 'buying signals' and decision motivators are. This allows me to speak to them at the right time with the right deal to secure their business. Insurance companies will use a very similar matrix when deciding your premium, the speed awareness course simply places you into a higher risk group.
  2. lies, dam lies, and statistics.....
  3. And don't forget police reports, Andy.
  4. I'm talking about them....you only employ a specialist advisor to tell you what you want to hear any way....
  5. Andy,it used to be 10% +2 MPH over,has that changed recently as here in Dorset they seem to be procecuting lower limits. Or was that just a myth ?What is the current formula? Not that I'm complaining BTW.
  6. FAQs Speeding Offences - Dorset Road Safe
    looking at the link from that page suggests to me that 10% over they're unlikely to take much action.
    I could be wrong of course, I'm just some anonymous bloke on the internet :D
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  7. UPDATE :

    Well, been a little over 4 weeks ...... And no NIP :upyeah:

    Looks like my friend was lucky on this occasion ;)
  8. My friend is happy for your friend!
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  9. Bet your friend was shitting himself every time he heard post drop through the door.
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  10. That's what you think.

    They'll be round to interview you in the morning.
  11. That's alright, I won't be in :D
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