Batman. The quote is by Jack Nicholson aka The Joker. From the same movie - "You're a vicious bastard, Rotelli ... I'm glad you're dead." Pure gold. Edit: whoops!
With the dogs out of the way, cats will overthrow the humans and you will receive your just reward: sixteen pounds of Monterey Jack and the continent of Australia.
no no no no no no no no no no! No! Not this fucking time! No fucking way! No fucking way, no fucking way, no fucking way! You've made me look a right c##t!
No movie quote thread would be complete without. "You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off".
"I was hopping along, minding my own business, all of a sudden, up he comes, cures me! One minute I'm a leper with a trade, next minute my livelihood's gone. Not so much as a by-your-leave! "You're cured, mate." Bloody do-gooder."