What's the Blockbuster overdue returns fines like? No wonder they went bust.... P.s. Nice looking white sunglasses-where'd you get them from .
This one? Has the hallmarks of something like the Princess Bridge, or even Robin Hood Prince of Thieves, but I cant see Lozzy owning up to liking the Costner movie somehow 'Come to me son of Jor El, kneel before Loz'
Still not got it? Another one: "I should tell you, I have killed people smarter and younger than you."
Lawrence of Arabia? From my same film: "I thought I told you to wait in the car." "Can't The helicopter landed on it." "Damn! I hate it when that happens!"
Nope, though I do really like that film. Another quote: "Danny told me not to trust you. He said you killed Mozart." "Mo- who?" "-zart." "You know, I kill a lot of people, I can't remember half of them."
The Warriors. Its the only movie I can think of apart from Amadeus thats got a character called Mozart in it
Love The Warriors. Not it, though. Another quote - easier one: "You think you are funny, don't you?" " I know I am. I'm the famous comedian Arnold Braunschweiger." "Schwarzenegger!" "Gesundheit."