Not those films, no: Another quote: " I'll be back! Ha! You didn't know I was gonna say that, did you?" "That's what you always say!" " I do?" "Everyone keeps keeps waiting for you to work it in. It's kind of like your calling card."
Yay! Last one from Last Action Hero - "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark and Hamlet is taking out the trash!"
Ja gib es mir großen Jungen. Pisse alle über mich. I'll give you a clue. It's from a special German film. Any German film actually. Allegedly
Pretty good. made for some great one liners and is still quoted in banter. Rita Owen (Beth) used to come in our local sometimes. A very bitter woman..
Why has no one guessed mine? ..........not sure, I ended up Googling it for the answer. Do I smell?.......can`t smell you from here. Have I been excluded from the circle of trust?.........have to ask someone in charge about that. El Toro, has he been excluded?
Give us another line and i'll give it a go. It does have the hallmarks of an 80s actioner, speaking of which I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, but i'm all outa bubblegum!
Can`t remember the name of the film but I think it had an American wrestler playing the lead, something to do with aliens. On a corny film scale I`d score it 4.999999 out of 5.
They Live - based upon a brilliant short story called "Eight o'Clock in the Morning". John Carpenter is a movie-making god.
The Thing, Halloween, They Live, The Fog, Dark Star, Escape from New York are all classics. The rest - Ghosts of Mars, Vampires, Children of the Damn and the rest, all utter shite.