Has anyone scrapped their Multi's pegs?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Mac, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. I did a knee down course with i2imca last week, using their Bandit 600. Part of the build up to knee down was learning to scrape the blobs at will. Obviously, the multi doesn't have blobs and I'm wondering if anyone has scraped the pegs and had any clearance issues?

    The course was excellent and I'd recommend it to anyone.
  2. There are issues but both pegs can be scraped easily enough - I have a Sport (no centre stand) and ground out the gear lever and side stand foot at the Nurburgring.

    Knee down on a Mutley is easier than the layout would suggest, but they aren't designed for it and any mid-corner bump will have too much metal on the Tarmac, lightening the load on the tyres - which eventually can only lead one way!
  3. The right hand peg scrapes, but on the left the sidestand gets in the way and has taken a bit of a pasting.
  4. Easy done, I did mine first ride and got quite a surprise !
  5. I can also confirm that the gear lever is made of chocolate and doesn't take getting walloped into the tarmac very well. Mine is now bent back by a good 25-30 degress and needs replacing as it's made changing gear a bit of a chore.
  6. I hate grinding anything apart from knee sliders. I've never ground anything on a Ducati and stayed upright (I tend to grind all of it, or nothing). Remember decking the pegs on the mini RC30 Honda at Cadwell (not hanging off enough - poor body position) and it frightening the life out of me. I got used to nothing touching. I almost put a big expensive Harley I was trying out into a wall when everything grounded at the first tightish corner - as it would. More surprising was getting the hero blobs of a Fireblade down on the first corner I took with any enthusiasm.

    Does anything touch on a Superbike Ducati, assuming you're not a lardarse with a buggered suspension?
  7. I've never managed to get anything to grind out on my 748. Boots and knee slider yes, but pegs etc. no.
  8. Only if your name is Colicabcadam :tongue:
  9. Thanks all. I'll take that to mean that the pegs scrape before anything more significant does.

    FWIW, if you're scraping pegs and not getting your knee down it means you're not hanging off far enough. 'Peg scraping should taken as the limiting point of your lean angle' was one of my major take-aways from the course (to stop anything else scraping and causing the wheels to lift which will usually end up in a crash).
  10. I have scraped the right peg on the track. And youre right that is a good indication to the limit. I have adjusted the gear lever and brake pedal up as far as they will go, and they havent touched. The secret is to keep your toes tucked well away and hang off as much as you can. Its a makes for a great track bike, and excellent fun showing the sports bikes how its done....
  11. Moving back on the seat so that your outside knee locks onto the bike also helps a lot, as does taking your weight on your inside leg (ball of foot on peg) and leaving your hands light on the bars to employ counter steering.
  12. I'm up to the edge of the back tire and have 1/4" chicken strips on the front......but no scrapping pegs....I do try....but no

    maybe if I set the suspension softer I could...nah
  13. Mutleys aren't great for boot longevity. No matter how much you try to keep your feet tucked in! This is after a single days riding.

  14. Are your feet wider than your pegs then?
  15. Nope, but the pegs are fecked too...

    If you have any advice how to get your feet out of the way, then my bank manager would be happy to listen!
    I keep my feet as inboard as possible whilst still remaining comfortable. Toes on the pegs, not heel or in-step is the order of the day for me.
  16. I'm confused now trying to work out the angles of how you can scrape your feet if they are inboard and the pegs are touching down first. I don't disbelieve you, I just can't picture it.
  17. My boots are only size 43 but the pegs are pretty small and it is nigh on impossible to tuck them away, sufficiently to avoid scraping your boots before the pegs grind out, in particular the right hand one due to the exhaust cowl that gets in the way - thankfully, if you make a real effort, the damage is limited to the sliders and not the boot itself as above, which would really pee me off!
  18. I have normal sized feet (size10) but I cannot move my feet away any more. The centre stand gets in the way on the left peg and on the right with the balls of my feet on the centre of the peg, the only way I can get the slider to touch properly is to try and rotate my foot. Something that isn't really feasible all the time. Otherwise, it's the sole that touches down first.

    I think I've got some video somewhere from a rear facing camera on a mate's bike, it might give me an idea of what I'm doing with my foot, but I'm not the only one with this issue!
  19. Keith code ! read it... i rode on assen as fast as anyone in my first timers group.
    half of them were on slicks...

    hardly anyone passed me. i thougth i had ground my tires down but saw i had some chicken strip left..
    other guys tires hadn't... i

    wasn't slower in the corners and weighing 110KG, i lost ground on the straight..

    conclusion : I must have ridden the bike more upright... laying the bike down is easy... just countersteer the crap out of it ... keep pushing on the handlebars..

    and prepare for crashing. ... you will crash... it is guaranteed...

    on them mutley, if you're scraping the pegs, yu're way down... i put knees down on it but no pegs scraping... sidestand: yes

    grtzz and beware!

  20. It's like you say: just depends how keen you are to stay out of hospital really.
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