Commonwealth Games...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Exige, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Is this just a bit of a non event, it seems as though all the commentators are trying too hard to big it up because it's shit following the Olympics? :Depressed:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Yawn beyond yawn. Not seen more than 5 mins, and thats 4 mins too long. More talent at a Crystal Palace meet if thats your thing
  3. See, less posts than the Olympic thread...;)
  4. or just quietly confident.
  5. look at it this way would you be any less proud of you kid wining bsb than the the parents of a motogp champion. because in comparison bsb "it's a bit shit really".
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Exactly, it's great for the parents ;)
  7. i know your game and i wont be drawn. :smile:
  8. I was agreeing with you ;)
  9. It is a big event, over 70 countries representing over a billion people. Just because it is not the biggest event does not mean it is shit . I wish I was as good at what I do I do as those at the Commonwealth Games are at what they do . They are dedicated athletes (and bowls players) and doing the best they can. I`d love to have been able to represent my country at an event like that but I have nowhere near the ability. How about you ?
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I do I do have the ability, well had - British national junior record many many moons ago :D
    Are you a parent then?
  11. My comment was based on the over exuberance of the commentators. and since then the media have been playing on this, including the Last Leg program if you saw it last night? In no way was I rubbishing the skills of the people involved, Usain Bolt was there after all ;)
  12. I am a parent and my daughter played hockey for the county many years ago. British National junior record at anything is fantastic but you know that once you get to seniors there will be other junior national record holders to compete with so if you are lucky you could be a top 10 senior . And then where would you be ranked in Europe or the Commonwealth let alone the world. You can be absolutely brilliant at something but never quite the best so everyone thinks of you as a loser. Take Tim Henman for example, got to number 4 in the world but never the top 3. Still an amazing achievement. I doubt I`m in the top 5000 at what I do for a living.
  13. Lots of sport is much better watched with TV volume off and radio commentary. They tend to be, not always though, much better on the radio at commentating .
  14. I don't disagree with you! The good thing is my old sport will bode me well when Putin gets sillier: after the apocalypse I still have my bows and arrows :Happy:
  15. Changing the subject a bit, Putin is many things but silly is not one of them .
  16. Yeh maybe the wrong choice of words: nutter perhaps?
  17. Doh! i thought this was gonna be another bout of Scots bashing. all in good humor i know but wasn't gonna give you the pleasure. ;). what was your sport?
  18. this came in the post Friday fin 008.jpg .8yrs old never picked a gun up in his life competition held over 3days at a major agricultural show took a pop at it just for the craik and won. much to the dismay of your ruddy faced farmers. the wee man is beaming almost as much as me.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. You might have dusted the shelf
  20. i shall let her know. :smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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