1200 Accidental Timing Belt "guide Pulley" Damage

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AirCon, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. its fucked, no way would any self respecting person ride that. Time to bin it and get a yamaha.
  2. Mine "scored" / original roller pullies are number
    IMI logo 1006336 (adjustable)
    IMI logo 1006335 (Fixed)

    Just a silly thought, given your numbers on a newer bike....serial numbers?
  3. Just a few observations;
    1. I've changed loads of Ducati belts over the years and the rollers invariably have a black coating on them that is material transferred from the belts, the beginning of which is showing on Andy's.
    2. The damage to the rollers shown looks more like a score to me. I suspect that the rollers are not the cause of the damage but a result of a foreign body getting trapped and causing the subsequent damage to the rollers and the belt.
    3. Toothed rollers invariably have shiny spots on them as there must always be some degree of sliding contact between the belt teeth and the pulley teeth.
    4. Regarding the numbers on the rollers: Ducati don't make everything in-house and many parts are outsourced. It's possible that Aircon's and Andy's rollers came from different suppliers, whichever had the contract at the time, or perhaps the supplier changed the number for some reason.
    #43 Derek, Aug 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2014
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  4. Point 1 - OK
    Point 2 - As already said, note the thing that did the scoring was the metal "coating", as it was still embedded in the belt.
    However since none of the rest of the "coating" is showing any signs of coming off I think it was started with something else chipping off a piece that got stuck in the belt. This then caused the scoring.
    Point 3 - Ok.
    Point 4 - As mentioned already both parts are made by IMI.
  5. Will be interesting to learn the part numbers on your replacements Paul.

    Thanks Derek.
  6. This means removing the covers...I may do this as a matter of interest as I want to inspect the works done.
  7. Well my dealer rang me this morning to say my pulleys and belts were damaged; just like ACT's I think, although I haven't seen them as too far away at mo to take pictures. They've had it 2 weeks but due to being busy only just peeked at the belts. Still no idea why it cut out and wouldn't restart though.
    Too say I'm peeved is an understatement. I need the bike for work away and that's buggered that up.
    The dealer is e-mailing Ducati UK and I'll keep you posted as to the outcome.
    My bike is a 2011 Sport T with full Ducati Service history, garaged and 27,000 miles on the replaced clocks.
  8. All pulleys being replaced while it's having it's Desmo service. Sadly at my cost!
  9. Totally agree, particularly after inspection.
  10. Here's my de-plated pulleys. Belts seem to have a wear band along them. Cost me £445 for the 4 pulleys and 2 belts to be replaced! :mad:







  11. Update to my damaged pulley saga.
    After e-mailing Ducati UK boss and S.Cox a few months ago and recently e-mailing Ducati Italy with regard to my issue I have now been reimbursed the cost of the replacement belt tensioners, which de plated. So £189 is on its way to me. So although I had to pay out £445 I am quite satisfied with the result. As I had a belt service shortly after the repair work anyway where the belts were going to be replaced as per the service etc etc.
    I did not get a response from my e-mails to Ducati UK or Italy but had a chat with Steve Cox whilst sitting on the new Multi at the show on the first Sunday. I didn't know who he was until he gave me his business card and offered to sort out my issue.
    So, fair play to Ducati for putting some faith back in to my Mutley ownership; which has had its fair share of hicups!!
    I will try the new one next year and can't wait to see if it lives up to the hype :D
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  12. Glad you got a result. Though I would not give any credit to Ducati where a response is levied only after a chance meeting with the after sales manager. You/we should have a path of communication accessible to all.
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  13. Very true Psy69. I went through the normal channels with regard to my issue. First contacting Aylesbury Ducati where i purchased it from, then my local Ducati dealer. All to no avail. They both said they had spoken to Ducati UK but they were not willing to do anything!
    As i said i had e-mailed Mr Cox a few months ago with my story, including all details of my bike but that didn't get a response so my last resort was trading standards, which would have cost me in the first instance.
    Lets hope like a lot of other parts changed on the new Mutley, the plating has been improved on the tensioner pulleys. Mine was a high mileage bike so may be many owners sell or change before racking up 28,000 miles and don't come acroos this issue?
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