Stickers Again.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Duck944, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. I am a self confessed sticker lover (there I've said it) but despite finding an old thread somewhere on here it didn't appear to be resolved?
    In light of that are there any plans to have any made, or have they been made already and I'm just too old and feeble to find out where they are being sold from?

    Now I might be getting ahead of myself here BUT if there is a hold up with say design issues I'd say that working on the KISS principle would be good, or perhaps the just the red/black forum logo as it is now would work just as well.
    Or as an alternative to both I seem to remember from a long ceased forum some uber cool stickers being designed and printed between our very own Arquebus and Carbon749.
    #1 Duck944, Aug 4, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2014
  2. I'm all for stickers if someone could make them
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. There are some "genuine" forum stickers .... Or there was.

    I bought some about 2 year ago ish
  4. Yeh but who wants to have a sticker on there bike that says " my other bikes reliable" lol
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Why not use the actual web site address instead of a different one as you propose? :Wacky:
  6. Crack on Gunga Din. The jobs yours ;)
  7. I don't suppose that you could point me in the right direction as to where you bought them from?
    Failing that a picture of yours for templating?
  8. There you go fixed it, don't know what happened there.
  9. Ive got a bag full of poor quality forum stickers. If you pop me a PM with your address I will send you a handful.
  10. I wouldn't mind but first I'd need a template of what was originally done as I see that these were available a couple of years ago.
    Secondly who would agree costs, and who would sort out the financial side to it all?
  11. Its a serious pain in the bum. I wouldn't recommend taking it on. It cost me £60 for 100 stickers, that were supposed to look good on the bike. The printing process used to design the kind of sticker didn't support white printing so the middle two letters were invisible if not placed on a white part of the bike.

    People want you to get 2 stickers worth 67p in to the post right here right now, despite you being 5000 miles away and your partner just giving birth and not being in the same location of the stickers. Then theres all the complaints that they aren't how they wanted them to be. I ended up refunding everyone and now i just send them out when asked. Ive got a few left.

    It's only worth doing if you own your own printing kit, are completely up on the ins and outs of sticker manufacturing and you live in a post office or next to a post box.
    • Useful Useful x 2
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