Darling V Salmond

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Mary Hinge, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Turns out Darling wasn't quite the easy roll over I was expecting... Good on him. Seemed to more than hold his own with Salmond.
    Looks like its heading for a big fat 'no' Whaddaya reckon??
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. The whole debate and referendum are flawed. If we are having a vote on the Union then the I want a vote as well. There is a democracy deficit for the English that continues and the West Lothian question has never been addressed and is getting worse.

    Personally, I'd vote for Scotland to be independent and I get the feeling Alex Salmond would have his wish if - ironically - he had encouraged the English to vote for him.
  3. Cake and eat it and all that. No more cherry picking, yes or no... Bang.
  4. darling did do good i feel. concentrating on the pound was for the no campaign was the correct thing to do.
    i don't doubt we would keep the pound if we where to secure Independence,
    i don't know how you negotiate but i doubt you offer the lowest price when when entering in to a potential deal.
    i have said it before i don't thing we will get independence, not through lack of desire but more from fear. if we turn out to be scared of independence then we don't deserve independence
  5. If you are economically tied to the pound, you are not independent as you do not have control of your bank. Scotland would be better off with their own 'pound' tied to their own Bank of Scotland. Otherwise this argument will always arise. If you cannot set your own rates, i fail to see how that can be considered full independence. As you will still be hanging onto the coat tails of the BoE.

    I think they will vote YES fin. Even though I am a 'NO', I think you will still vote 'YES'. Have a little more faith in your fellow Jock. I dont think fear is what will drive the vote.

    Darling did well and Salmond was poor. But Salmonds case is a intangible one with a lot of unknowns and therefore there will always be uncertainty. I really think he is the weak link in the campaign, as are the SNP as they take an emotive stance. To convince the scots convincingly, you need a hard nose economist like Adam Smith was to show the scots the reality in terms of bottom lines. To shift the jocks properly show them the bank balance not the dreams.

    I personally think Scotland would do okay on its own, better in the uk mind, but i think theyd do okay. Eventually. But there would be a fair amount of pain in between. Bit like leaving home.
  6. the bank of England is independent of Westminster i believe.
    i will deffo be voting yes i am not feart of a bit of hard work.
    again independence for me is removing our self from the direction Westminster is going. i hate what is done in our name.
    unfortunately you cant experience what a devolved government and snp have done in Scotland. i feel we are a better managed and integrated society than down south. and i want to build on that.
  7. Hmm, dunno so much. There are a lot of countries whose currency is tied to the US dollar. Like Saudi for instance.

    We are forgetting about Scottish women, bout 50% of the voters. The 'yes' vote is basically a punt. Women don't like betting. How many do you see in bookies? Also its the 'yes' voters who are making all the noise, the 'no' brigade are a bit more reserved. I reckon It'll be a big fat no.

    My wife is from Kirkintilloch and everyone I've spoken to up there have indicated no.... Never say never, It'll be interesting.
  8. Eeeh, you lying fucker! You're on this friggin forum all day.... 'I've stood here all day watching you do nowt' Ha,ha!!

    Anyhow, I'm stuck in Africa trying to set off home today. What's your excuse?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. working the desk. it's no easy. ;)
  10. I hope to god its a no, other wise i am faced with a quandary. I'm Scottish but live in London. Does it mean I will have to get an 'English or UK' passport? OMG! I'd be forced to return to ensure my passport says Scottish. I'd feel like i am betraying my country if i adopted a new passport, even if it is one of convenience. Whilst Scotland is in UK its no problem a UK passport is a passport for us all, but an independent Scotland would mean I would have to get mine from Scotland and then I would be an immigrant in my own home.

    I wrote to Salmonds ugly bint about this and got a snooty and dismissive reply, eventually. They had no answers for me. This may seem a trivial point but as English know us Jocks are patriotic types and a passport is like a point of principle. I cant be having an English passport. I'm not English.
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  11. You seem to have forgotten the good shit Westminster has brought the UK. We are a wee island nation that for centuries has batted hugely above our average. We have no right to be such a powerful economy. But we are. But everyone forgets history when it is inconvenient. We have exported industry, culture, language, arts etc. This tiny little island of fuckwits has proven itself time and time again as a nation to not fuck with. When we eventually get off our arses and do something there is no stopping us. No nation is perfect and we certainly arent, but do not ignore the good shit because you failed to listen or take notice.
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  12. with the greatest of respect that comment is as relevant as mentioning bannockburn. that was then this is now.
  13. To ignore history, is foolish. It has a habit of repeating. History is a very important part of our being who we are. You should never ignore or dismiss it. It teaches and advises us of the present. Silly boy Fin. Now write out 100 times - Boots is even greater than he thought he was.
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  14. history lesson. Britain invades the world Britain creates more hatred in the world, Britain leaves the places it invaded in turmoil. i have learn't from history.
  15. Will you be re-taking your driving test,and applying for a Scottish Driving licence.....?
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  16. History lesson. Britain invades world. Installs education systems, economic systems, civil service systems and national infrastructures.

    You may as well harp on about the Romans fin. They invaded the world and plundered but they too left behind culture and systems. Wealth of Nations, which is the backbone of capitalism was written by a Scot. The ships we used were built on the Clyde. You talk about Britain as if Scotland wasnt part of it all. America was founded on religious grounds based upon Calvinism to a certain degree and their independence document is based upon the treaty of Arbroath. We spread a lot of good things too, things that are the foundation of many nations.

    If it hadnt been the UK, it was the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the French, the Germans. To blame the UK alone is short sighted and needs to be studied with the eyes of the ages within which they were undertaken. You also need to look at the big picture. Youre focusing on tiny parts with modern eyes.

    TT, yet another problem for me you wag. :)

  17. Its not a problem for me, you're the one who doesn't want English identity papers.... will you be handing back your library card as well? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. With only 6 months to go till retirement the thought of an independent Scotland scares the sh!t out of me, all my life Ive paid into the UK pot ready for retirement, so my question now is who pays it, what currency, who's setting the interest rates for my savings......? I've asked these questions at various meetings and all I've got are vague statements about a fairer society, more control over our spending blah blah blah, well promises ain't gonna keep my lights on or food on the table so bad as the current system might be it offers me certain guarantees, so guess I'm voting No. Mind a Yes vote might stop all the whingeing and whining about how it's always the fault of the English when something goes wrong lol
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  19. we are only having this conversation because at the moment Scotland is of use to the uk, when we are no longer of use like the rest of the world it screwd up, i suspect we will be out of there.
  20. Aye, where will we get oor tablet or oor whisky. Important questions indeedy.
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