Guess That Movie Quote!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bazz, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. He no nuts. He's cray-zee
  2. "Get in your mouse, and get out of here."

    "Ever heard of a tune up? Hee hee hee hee."
    "Ah, hee hee hee. Ever heard of a ritual killing? Ah hee hee hee!"
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  3. Broadsword calling Danny Boy!
  4. Where Eagles Dare. When it came out, I thought it was the best movie I'd ever seen!
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  5. My sad fact about WED. In this movie, Clink Eastwood's character 'kills' more people than any other Clint Eastwood Character in any other movie
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  6. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "No more fucking ABBA!"
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  8. So, she's a dog!
  9. Who you gonna call?

    It had a name....Two names
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  10. sense of humour
  11. Highlander
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  12. No Uncle Buck fans. How bout this one then.

    "who died and made you fucking king of the zombies?"
  13. Ghost....BUSTERS!
  14. excuse me while i whip this out.
  15. Blazing Saddles. LOL.
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  16. pretty please with sugar on top.
  17. Pulp Fiction. (The Wolf is on it!)
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  18. I see you are familiar with the falling-down-on-the-floor ploy.
  19. "It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."
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