Hi from sunny Sheffield

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Eze, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. She got me (him ;-) from "Northern birds love a bit of rough cockney.com"
  2. LMAO!:biggrin:
  3. Oh willkomen das forum by the weg
  4. Ahh Das is gut !! Mein fatter ist dick !!
  5. Wie alt bis du ?
  6. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1343252212.691061.jpg

    Quite liking this

  7. Not enough belts across the chest !
  8. Lmao
  9. Whoa momma, behave !!
  10. But we can't really see enough of her!
  11. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1343252392.173884.jpg

    There ya go

  12. The jacket
  13. That would be better.....if she wasn't a pig
  14. Doh
  15. Just marker pen the face out :)
  16. Silly :p
  17. Ahhhh the old mantle fire place..... Stoking !!!
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