I Think I Am Going To Need Some....help... I Think?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PeterT, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. My daughter is turning sweet 16 this Friday, but as with most 16 year olds sweet is not hip to use anymore and I am just some old fuddy duddy who knows nothing about modern teenagers. She is planning on having a day out bowling, cinema, shopping, eating, socialising, yacking and faceboxing and so on...........
    But then she no tells me that some 10 of her mates female and male are going to be staying at my gaff Friday night.
    Now don't get me wrong I am all in favour of her having fun and a laugh but her friends will see this as a party complete with booze, now do I stand tall and ban it completely and be a killjoy?, no that is not fair I say but then I really don't want to police the situation by sticking my head in every couple of hours?
    Drugs on the other hand are welcome.... but only if I am allowed to participate in the quality process!!

    What's more is that my drinking buddy has bloody gone on holiday and has left me high and dry!!!

    So if anyone wants a champagne night out on my expense complete with late night donner keabab then please let me know ASAP.:Happy:
  2. Good luck!!!!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Stay the night at the local travel lodge - hire a cleaner - don't look on Facebook
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  4. And buy a party box of condoms and leave them in strategic places around the house and garden :D
  5. she is a teenager and a she. you will have no chance of understanding she.
    leave her the house for the night it will be fine.
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  6. dude. NOooo.:smile:

  7. Sorry. I forgot............ you should leave tubes of KY around too.

    Is that better? :upyeah:
  8. yip he can sleep easy now. :D
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  9. [​IMG]
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  10. Just think what you were like at 16 ..... Then take account of the change in times.

    Would you have needed a chaperone ???
  11. Very simple.

    Take all the booze out of the home. In one place, lets call it a cabinet, you place selected alcoholic drinks. Then you tell them they can only drink from that cabinet.

    Selected drinks below:

    They either not drink and think you cool for drinking that.
    Or they will drink and will have to admit you are cool for drinking that as "cool people" also drunk it :)
  12. I remember when I was 16!Dont let her out of your sight!!!!!!!
  13. Did you play coins (or what ever it was called) till ma called you home!? I like how most people add bits to their childhood.....
  14. Don't worry too much, everything will be fine Grandad ;)
  15. Is it the World Bukhake Championships or a 16th? Oh, it will be the same outcome.
  16. Do you trust her? If yes then let them have some fun. It will get out of hand at some point, so may I suggest moving anything fragile out of the house temporarily, but I think @Char has nailed it mate.
    Be a good dad, which we all know you are. The idea of staying in the house and being there 'just in case' is also a good idea.
    Giving kids up for adoption early doors, even better :Angelic:
  17. Good luck. You're going to need it. 16yr old daughter, plus friends male and female? I seriously do not envy you one bit. Whatever you do it will be the worst thing ever in her life. We shall pray for you.
  18. Put me in charge :)
  19. Is the right answer :(
  20. How big is your garden, hire a marquee and stick them all in that with the only access to the house being a down stairs toilet?
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