So let me get this right.....Berni didn't bribe anybody? But just in case he did the judge will look the other way for 100m? Berni isn't a horrible little walking scrotum...and he doesn't wear a badly fitting grey wig......... Honestly guvnor
Think you will find, when his lawyers find this thread, you'll be shelling out the hard earned matey :Eggonface:
Posting in intemperate terms about Bernie Ecclestone, when he has not in fact been convicted of any offence, might be a very bad idea. I suggest the moderators keep a close eye on this thread.
But isn't he a nob end? Is not Weasel a relevant name perhaps? Are those terms intemperate? So many questions
if B. is still the B. I remember, most comments on here would only make him smile but to add to what Pete says, gws, anyone with some serious wedge please refrain from derogatory commenting.
Come on guys, its was bad enough being threatened by Rolf Harris' lawyers, we really don't need somebody with serious clout sending us an email too.
OK, the man's a saint. Perhaps someone will set fire to him to prove it. Can't have a saint without having a martyr
actually Bernie is a pretty sound bloke, yes you'd count your fingers after shaking hands with him but that's no different to any other wideboy salesman, and he's always on the make and looking to line his pockets like any other salesman, and yes in all probability he's used "questionable" practices to line those pockets like any other salesman, but ultimately hes got where he is because of the person he is so rightly or wrongly he's done something right, and those who work for him take a lot of shit and e dips deep into his pockets and looks after them as a result. He's in the public eye so its easy to paint him in that light, but I'd rather be or associated with bernie that some sug banker twat. (without preudice natirally m'lud)
@Sev there's a few salesmen on here that could take issue with what you've written and could take you to task
I can't believe people have the audacity to down vote you Bernie - you will note that I found you funny and didn't do so, even if I did sort of call you a weasel You know who to go for with the litigation my new silvery haired friend