Welcome @Bernie Ecclestone , or should I just call you Bernie. Im super impressed with the way you run F1...any chance of introducing me to one of your daughters?
I am a very busy man as you will appreciate, I came on here to view some slander as I find it funny, but to potentially find a new son in law of your calibre and eloquence is a real bonus for me, but I would only accept your kind offer if you took £60M as well. It is strange that most others on here seem to be muppets, you share such bad company...
Ah, the biggest muppet of all - stop down voting me or you will suffer fnmnum, ba ba ba ra ra, fnmnum :Smuggrin:
800 odd hits.. not impressed, doesn't even register on the Viral seismometer yet. Please let us know when we've gone too far Matt? :Hilarious:
I unreservedly take back anything I said. Bernie is a top bloke and it was a travesty that he had to stump up €100m just to clear his good name. The German government should be ashamed of themselves for making unjust accusations and putting him in a corner. To think that I might have even suggested an iota of wrongdoing. I hang my head in shame.