Scroungers? I can walk around any English City and see cro magnon types with St George Tattoos and england shirts signing on with girlfriend in tow, with facelift pullback hair and 7 kids.:Bucktooth: You have a greater proportion of them than we do and most it seems are posting on this thread.:Angelic::Finger: Without Scotland you would never have had an empire. I guarantee that Scots were amongst the explorers the adventurers that brought empire to far away lands. We also built the industrial revolution and invented all the shit you take for granted. English ignorance of this does not surprise me as Scotland has a much better education system. Fin, England will always need Scotland. Without each other we only have the welsh and irish and theyre not as much fun to bait, as the english bite more.:Finger::Rage::Angelic: The asians arent asians. Theyre Scots.
@tt does it matter. does it not prove we general get along? i wonder how many down your way vote for the perceived equivalent B.N.P. this is the only public forum i contribute regularly in but i guess there all the same with a similar cross section of society, every thing from poorly educated bigots to successful business men and government divisors. let some clever dude put a poll up on here. the question being not should Scotland be independent but do you want Scotland to remain part of the uk. @ marry winge, i really shouldn't read these post before my first fag and coffee in the morning..
UKIP are the new BNP. Theyve all moved to what they perceive as the respectable face of bigotry, racism, mysogeny and all other forms of busy bodyness.
I find it amazing SNP have managed to get away with such a nationalist view, when in Englad such a party is perceived as right wing bigoted rubbish before they even start talking policies Is SNP about running Scotland for the Scottish, or is it about running Scotland for anyone who lives there? Except if you are English and live there, of course. Then you are always excluded
Its odd Brad, but us Scots can be nationalistic without any undertones of racism. I find the English find this concept very difficult. It has got better over the years. But we do patriotism much better than you. I guess the difficulty arises from the NF and skinhead period, where they took over the flag etc for their own racist agenda and now in some quarters its still seen as a racists tool. Therefore genuinely patriotic English are almost embarrassed to be so. Plus there will always be some on the far left who will accuse them wrongly of racism and thus hinder any patriotic recovery. Its got a whole lot better over the years but theres still a way to go. The Olympics helped a lot I think. I love being British. We have a deeply rich culture.
Really? Not most of the Scots I know. But its an interetsing point. If the most left, liberal hearted individual in England, the late Michael Foot or that other guy with the pipe were to create an ENP would that be treated with the same respect and almost fear that SNP are by Westminster? Or is the English flag now forever tainted as full of jingoism and racism?
Btw, banter and shit aside, I think Scotland can go do what it likes, have no leaning towards BNP or the kick em out crew, and consider myself fairly centre-left these days altho more tory voting than labour. I'm just interested as to what its driver is: independence for a country regardless of its inhabitants or independence for the Scottish 'race'. If not the latter, why all the tartan and pipes everywhere you see the campaings?
I think that may be what you need Brad. Someone so irrefutably unbigoted to create a sense of English pride and an ENP. Doubt that would happen though a they also know that the UK as a whole is the best option by a mile. The SNP on the other hand, although undoubtedly unracist, have an envy problem with westminster. What you have is in essense is the Scottish Daily Mail readership as a political party.
Trouble is, what is english heritage? Scots have always been invaded, so rarely the aggressor more the victim fighter. England has often been the aggressor. So most of our heritage is built on slavery, Empire building etc. some great things have been done, introduced policies, governance, processes and engineering worldwide, but where does the negative stop/start Wonder if thats why you ask a English guy where they are from they often say British, whereas welsh scots etc with say welsh scots
English heritage? Are you kidding? The list is endless. Science, literature, music, art, industry....oh language....england has a rich and diverse history. Its not all about conquest and in them days it was conquer or be conquered anyway.
Maybe my point missed a little. I agree the heritage is long, deep and meaningful Much of the spread of and the building of that was on the blood and money of slavery and acquisition of countries. The good seems to get lost amongst the bad
theirs no doubt i got myself in a bit of a rage this morning reading the pish that was presented to me in my happy place but not once did English tosser enter my mind, as you know i own a workshop and talk to customers all day about all sorts of shit and i never hear the words English this English that, the notion that Scotland is full of the English haters is as outdated as the bollox i have read in this thread. snp is about improving democracy and society nothing to do with screwing the AULD enemy. the fact that you think it's unsafe to be proudly English has nothing to do with increasing Scotland reputation and position in the world. i promised my self i wouldn't get involved in any on line agro. so i think i might have to bow out of this one. at least until i read some more eighteenth century ignorance. cheers.
so what 18th century ignorance is there? If I were to search this forum there would be lots of English bashing, same as there would be Scottish bashing (maybe not as much as French ) what comes across in England. and I'd love to be wrong, is the Scots are founding everything on their 'they'll never take us alive' attitude of history with tartan and kilts aplenty, while not actually saying how this heritage will do anything to create a strong, independent of Europe economy that grows and strengthens. And sorry to keep harping on, when you have laws in Scotland that openly discriminate against the English, the university fees is the best example, how can you expect us to think anything else? Oh that and the event I attended in Edinburgh two months ago, all the YES lobby kept starting with 'the English...' I've said already, no issues from me for the Scots to go their own way, I just don't know (and nor does anyone it seems) if tis is SCOTLAND or SCOTS, ie dual passports...
You see, a true Englishman has no need to shout and scream about patriotism. We leave that to the other folk who are not English. A true Englishman knows he is of the best country in the world, everyone else knows he is as well, hence a quiet understanding is all that is needed. :Cigar:
and talking of understanding, apologies to all deffo lost me temper there. not my style. sorry boys and girls.