I Think I Am Going To Need Some....help... I Think?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PeterT, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Hire a port-a-loo !!!, now, back to my litigation thread! ;)
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  2. Personally I'd get a largish gazeebo with sides.. give em electricity to it for music and light.... tell em they can only use the downstairs loo (the lads will just use the garden probs) and the kitchen... sit in YOUR livingroom watching telly and stealing beers from them, then if theres a problem like gate crashers (word of a party soon gets around) or whatever your on hand to sort it and call an end to the night if needed.

    Persoanlly i wouldnt let the lads stay over as youre asking for trouble give em til about 12/12.30am and finish the party for them anyway. After all if you hired a hall thats when theyd pack up anyway.

    oh yeah and warn your neighbours.

    Thats what i did for my wenches 16th birthday and although shes a misserable fekker most of the time she said it was the best idea for the "Just in case" moments.

    If they kill your grass... turf is easier and cheaper to replace than stuff in the house!

    Its not worth this happening:

    Bradley McAnulty's home gatecrashed after party details were posted on Facebook | Mail Online

    Gunshots and alleged sex assault as 16th birthday party 'got out of hand' (From Oxford Mail)
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  3. yip some more info to help him sleep at night. ;)
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  4. Peter you are doomed if you stay. You will get shot and sexually assaulted!!

    Not in that order I guess.
  5. he's doomed anyway by having a house party.... book a hall/pubs back room, have it there as it aint worth the hassle TBH
  6. Broken things at home can be replaced the shame of being raped and shot.... We will never let that go :)
  7. prob cheaper in the long run and there is a booting out time.
  8. The parties happening tonight so we'll probs get an update on his choice today or over the weekend lol

    GOOD LUCK whatever he does lol
  9. I'd like to thank PeterT for the open invite, very generous. Laying on scores of just legal girls is a tad dodgy but we'll forgive that for now.

    What's the address again?
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