The 'what Are You Going To Do With Your Tax Disc Holder' Thread!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Come October the tax disc is dead, so no more questions on where to put the poxy thing! What's everyone going to do with the redundant bit of carbon/alloy that used to hold theirs?

    I'll offer a prize for the most ingenious genuine use for one. I might adapt mine to hold a can of Red Bull on the side of my tool chest! I little 90 degree bend and sone ally plate should do it!

    The prize will consist of the sheer pleasure of never having to attach the poxy thing to your bike again!

  2. Leave it on the bike and use it as a photo frame :D
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  3. There are companies who make old tax discs, I could get one from 1985 and chuck it in! Matt could make a mirror out of one to check himself out in those cheap Oakleys he got ;-)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. I will use mine as a coaster
  5. What's a tax disc holder????
  6. Nice idea on the 1985 disc, year of your bike I presume or age?? although on wouldn't be surprised if the feds bust your ass
  7. [​IMG]

    Garage art - chuck the holder (If I had one)
  8. I have a collection of parking tickets, speeding tickets and such on a wall might add tax disc to itm
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  9. why would anybody want to bust a donkey because of a tax disc?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. "The Law is an Ass". I say bust it good.
  11. Well the one I was using was a cylindrical one, so I guess I could use it to store ciggies. The only problem is I dont smoke :)
  12. Weed, condoms.....
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  13. Good idea. I could use the heat from the engine to dry the leaves......errr...apparently...
  14. Or moisture from Road to keep condom wet :)
  15. I don't know what happens on the mainland but over here in norn Ireland our mot is issued with a disk which is supposed to be on show the same as your tax disk,ffs.

    where do you keep your mot disk?
  16. Wtf is MOT disk?
  17. its issued over here with your mot certificate and your ment to display it as proof your mot is current.just like you display a tax disk to prove your taxed.
  18. Will it hold your little tube of thread lock, you know, just in case...?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. also even though we are in uk our mot starts at four years where England, Scotland,and wales starts at three
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