Correct, I come from a Christian background (never believed it myself though) and can vouch that to this day my father starts every day with about 30 mins of quiet prayer, and ends the day in a similar fashion. These prayers are undertaken regardless of location, and if the day starts early for some reason prayers are pushed forwards and done early. The church on Sunday thing is usually observed, but isn't 100% critical! and on a few times a year it may be skipped. It's not as rigid as a Muslim prayer and mosque routine, but it's in the same vein - the two religions are much more similar than people realise. I remember dad saying that just going to church on a Sunday doesn't define someone as Christian, it's a constant part of their thought mind and consciousness every day.
It was a peaceful area until Pope's and Christian Kings got involved, they didn't like muslims ruling over christian holy place's despite them allowing access and religious freedom. Crusader's took Jerusalem and spent three days killing jews muslims and the local christian poulation. Not much has changed since and now Sunni's and Shia's are killing each other in large number's as well.
So you have never had Jehovah's witnesses knock on the door, or seen a Christian 'witness' to someone? Islam and Christianity are different sides of the same coin, there is very little difference
With all the 'evidence' that exists these days, I don't understand why people need to believe in something which is false.
I think you are correct, but I would chuck Judaism into the mix too. There is very little difference between Jews and Muslims. They are both rooted in pre-medieval practices. And those beliefs and practices are virtually identical but use different names/words. Their differences are purely tribal. Christianity, in the main, has modernised over the years. It's still all bollox though
This same rhetoric has been used for decades. Yes, Jews were horribly persecuted, but how long will this psyche continue to dominate a nation's moral code? In this day and age, if 'doing whatever it needs to survive' means the subjugation and killing of endless innocent people, I have to question that nation's right to exist in the first place? Let's get things into perspective. Gaza is a tiny enclave with no control over its borders, it's been under siege for years, has no army or organised defence force, let alone an air force. Israel have pummelled them with thousands of tons of bombs and flattened entire neighbourhoods. Who is the aggressor? I can't see it any other way.
All bollox indeed but from what I read online and in the papers the impression I get is that more Muslims believe their particular version of the bollox than the other major faiths and there seem to be quite a lot who are happy to get violent to make us be like them. Just look at Iraq and parts of Africa for the evidence. Israel is surrounded by Islamic countries , a position I would not want to be in and I think they would like to live in peace with their neighbours, the reverse is not always true. I`m not commenting on their use of force but it seems to me that they are the only western democratic style country that stands up for themselves, most western governments do the equivalent of drop their strides, bend over a desk and take a good shafting. There seem to be a good(bad) number of muslims that want to change their host country into the type of country they left, that is my perception anyway. Are they trying to take over the world ? It was funny when Pinky and The Brain tried it but this lot dont make me laugh a lot.
And that's down to a lack of education of the masses and a proliferation of a few (more) educated tyrants to control the uneducated and superstitious. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Very true, I have had the misfortune to spend some time in Pakistan and I got the feeling those in charge there do all they can to keep the masses uneducated.
I'd like to add that this strategy is not just limited to Islam. All religions operate in the same way.
As a side note to all those on here that believe in some form of deity, I have some magic beans for sale that I'm sure you will be interested in. PM me for details
Yes they knock on my door,but when I say I'm not interested in joining their clan they don't execute me,they don't chop my young children in half,they don't have bombs strapped onto them etc,they meekly go away and knock on the next door,big difference my friend! They leave me alive.
And why, exactly, did Israel close those borders ? To stop Palestinian suicide bombers from blowing up school busses in Israeli town centres... "Palestine" isn't a country - it never has been. It's just a name for an area of desert where nomadic Arabs used to wander about with their camels. The Jews were promised a chunk of this area after WW2 by the Allied powers. Since then they have cultivated it and created a fairly prosperous country out of what was, effecitively, empty desert - something that the Arabs hadn't managed to do for millenia. They don't want to give it to the, mostly unrelated, Arabs that live in the adjacent areas and now call themselves "Palestinians" - and who can blame them ?
Complete rubbish. Thats the kind of pro-Israeli propaganda that only tries to hide the truth. In the same vein, I guess you don't believe hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were driven from their homes, because there weren't any right? It was just empty desert!? These hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were presumably walking around the desert and living in tents? Grow up. One look at the thousands of old pictures of pre-Israel Palestine will tell you it wasn't an empty desert. And yes, they have occupied a land and from it created a fairly prosperous country - from billions of dollars of US money.