What's One To Do?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chrisw, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Well, the OP probably hoped that posting the thread would have one of two effects:

    1. The possibility of Name & Shame would prompt the target member to sort things without the need for said N&S.
    2. The OP hoped he would get a suggestion to his liking of how to proceed.

    Looks to me like neither option has actually happened. The OP is now considering how and whether to proceed (whilst we bang on about the matter).

    On the one hand, it is the OP's own business what he does next or what happens next. On the other hand, the rest of us would like to know the identity of the unreliable ECU borrower so that we are aware of his apparent/alleged untrustworthiness - in case we get stung in a similar manner in the future.

    Sound about right?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Anything by way of an update would be nice. Respecting op has full freedom of choice, including silence.

    My post is a hope , in anticipation of a +ve outcome , not a complaint.
  3. bollox your all nosy feckers. just like me. although i have a suspicion.
  4. If the OP wants to start a County Court case he is welcome to PM me and I will be glad to offer informal advice about the basics. But I will not tell him what to do; nor do I offer a free legal representation service.
  5. I will offer free legal representation. The down side is I don't know what I'm talking aboiut
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. it was actually the informal advice I was alluding to Pete. but thanks for the reply.
  7. Maybe the perpetrator has contacted the OP and the OP is sat by the post box...
  8. We don't actually need to know any more about this, but obviously, our interest has been piqued and now we'd like to know a bit more about the outcome.

    But it's really just for our own entertainment, not future protection, let's face it.
  9. Sweepstake?
    • Like Like x 1
  10. I'm happy to report that all is well in the world :)
    • Like Like x 10
  11. Thats it? :confused: good good... just thought it would be more juicy...
  12. So ,El Tel finally got back in touch eh?
  13. Are we not even going to get a taster of the excuse?

  14. Explanation received and accepted. ECU returned.
  15. Aww, lets have a debate ;)

    on the other end, lets not :Wideyed:
  16. Thread closed.

  17. Good post, I have to admire your ethics here. Nice one.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Nicely done. Glad its all sorted
  19. Glad that it's sorted :)

    Waaaaaayyyyyyy off the mark. If you knew anything about me then you'd know that "cackhanded" was my middle name and that I don't do manual/technical stuff :)
  20. Also your morals.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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