keep a eye on the pipework,its suprising how much movement you get on a on bracketed can which stresses the pipework untll it fractures.
indicators look the same as the ones i got off ebay (although a different colour) pretty good though for the price
I only took a few pictures and not of the complete cut and shut. It started off as a damaged set of 900 headers we then cut off one of the sides: We then welded the opening shut: As you can see, I am not a welder!! Exhaust mocked up: Easy really!! Yorkie
The weekend was fun, even though it rained. Just one of the girls who liked my finished project this weekend: I will see if i can find the others. Yorkie
It's funny but when a thread starts to go this way, the description "Active Member" seems to mean so much more than it did.
Nearly finished (theres always stuff to do) project running: 750SS Project/IMG_1526_zpsf4b15543.mp4 Yorkie
I replaced the not-connected oil pressure switch with something a little bit different: I then sprayed the clutch plate: Its bright ....... Yorkie