Backpack Vs Speed Hump?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by andyp79, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. I've always got the comes with age.............
  2. chaps, please just strap things to the bike there are so many different types of bag. the more you have strapped to you the more chance there is of serious injuries god forbid the worst happens. let it go with the bike.
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  3. I'm in the market for a bag that fits with my race hump and I would be interested to hear how you got on with the Knox?
  4. Kriega also do an R3 bumbag type thing. I use it when out and about as pockets seem to be an endangered species on new leathers these days. I recommend it for your fags, keys, phone, wallet etc.

    R3 - Kriega
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  5. My Astars Orbiter leathers do actually have a big pocket, although it's in the middle of your chest. I do carry a bum bag but I'm looking for something larger to carry a change of clothes. I'm thinking tank bag at the moment, but don't want it scratching my tank.. I will start a separate thread.
  6. Forgot about this thread... Seems I never posted that update I promised!

    The Kriega fits ok with the one-piece and speed hump, but it's quite a lot less comfortable than it used to be on my old two-piece with the small hump up at the neck. It works though but now I have the Knox one, I tend to only break out the Kriega when I need to do some serious load lugging and the 130 mile run from work back home for a track evening last month was hard going. Ok, it was 28 degrees that afternoon but the bag was digging in at the base of my spine, which it never used to do - the hump alters how it sits and kind of points the base of the bag into the small of my back. Given the temperature, the full race gear I was wearing and the weight in the bag I really didn't expect anything less though.

    Where the Knox is concerned, it's ideal for day-to-day use. It's large enough to cart some clothes and stuff to and from work and it's very light and simple compared to the R35 which is a wee bit of overkill now I've seen the benefits of a smaller bag. It sits a lot lower on my back than the Kriega so took a wee bit of time to get used to but it's ideal for the money. I don't think I've worn it with the leathers yet... I can't remember... but I'm sure it'll work better than the Kriega. The pockets are great for me and the integrated waterproof cover is something I've wanted on a bag for years.

    I've got another track evening on Friday, so this has got me thinking I need to try and fit my gear into the Knox and make the trip a lot more comfortable!

  7. Thanks for the feedback Andy. Have fun on the track!
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  8. No worries. I'm a bit of a nightmare when I shop for stuff like this so ended up doing a fair bit of trawling around online looking at the various bags and I'm chuffed with the Knox for the price. Much as I wanted another Kriega, for the use this will get it just wasn't worth the outlay.

    You've prompted me into action as it happens - I'm definitely gonna pack light this weekend and try and get away with the Knox instead of the big Kriega.

    Knockhill reverse direction here we come!
  9. I use one of these too, but have gone back to taking my phone, licence and debit car in my inside pocket. Works ok, but if I put any weight on I reckon I'll need to leave the phone at home... ;)
  10. baccy, papers, lighter, iphone, garage keys, front door key, wallet and ear plugs have to go somewhere. Fine in winter/autumn as i have a different leather jacket with more pocket room, but in the summer when I wear my summer leather jacket I need the bum bag. I still have a 30" waist. :)
  11. 30" waist?! I was about 7 the last time I rocked a pair of 30" trousers. I've settled at 34" these days though...
  12. stop eating the pies Andy. :p
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