More Praise For Yorkshire

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. What do you know, you Manc ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Eh up El T...
    Nah then lad, dunt bi gerrin mardy... Tha kno's I'm onli tekkin t'piss...
    • Like Like x 1
  3. "And yer can keep yer boltmaker, give me Leffe any day LOL"

    Bloody foreign muck ! Nearly as bad as that southern rubbish...
  4. Grimbergen is quite nice
  5. hate all those floral tasting beers.
  6. I think your getting mixed up with your beer with the Southern Shite - Yorkshire is the Centre of the Universe for beer and you know nothing about it, so stay sober ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. dont drink beer right enough. Guinness and whiskey is my tipple.
    but thinking of giving up the whiskey. .
  8. Just bought 6 bottles of Old Peculiar on offer in the local shop for £1.33 a bottle, try it if you drink Guinness, you might like it! I drink Whisky too, nectar of the Gods! I'm a bit wimpy with the cheap stuff and mix it 50:50 with Stones Green Ginger Wine - never mix spirits with something non alcoholic :Happy:
  9. used to drink old pec when i lived in aberdoom. magic stuff. theirs a friend of mine will buy expensive whiskey then put iron brew in it. :Wtf:
  10. not been

    dont think I'll bother now

    Have you lot not seen 'When the lights went out'?
  11. or 'Inbred' for that matter
  12. :Hungover:
  13. aye, I had a belly full of owd pec last weekend. I like Robinsons owd tom and lees's Moonraker.
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