Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. So with a bit of luck most of us might get a glimpse........

    Here's the display agenda.........

    RAF BBMF - Display Info

    Wonder what my uncle (deceased, a couple of years ago) of 428 Ghost Sqdn would have said if they flew over him......
  2. Wings and Wheels is a great day out, well worth a trip.
  3. Hope the pilot in the Lanc that follows the other, remembers the 'two second' rule............

    I can just see a rear-ender claim putting the insurance costs up.
  4. presume if they got too close, rear gunner of 'lead' would put a few tracer rounds across the nose of the 'following' - just as a reminder, like...

    In fact , thats a useful idea i could use next time i am tailgated on my adventures to the M25...

    they have both landed at Biggin now, there for a few days i believe.
  5. I've seen them the last three days at Airbourne, and we're going again tomorrow. If you're in any way interested then it's worth the effort to see them. Here they've been flying with two Spitfires, one a clipped wing version. To be honest no-one is the slightest bit interested in the Spitfires which speaks volumes as they're normally a crowd puller!

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