olympics..who cares?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. im not really bothered are you? yes, it was a great event once..when it was about the honour and pride of competition. now its sponsored by McDonalds..everyone is your olympic friend..even Lloyds bank. Theyre all our best mates, basking in the reflected glory of what the Olympics used to represent.
    hell, i even heard on the radio the other how the companies have copyrighted words like, 'games', olympian' blah blah and can and have taken legal action against people and businesses for using these words...load of bollox.
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  2. Have to say im sick of it all already, 27 million quid on the opening ceremony !!!! FFS id rather see the money going towards keeping wards open at Great Ormond street, imho of course
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  3. The boat has been well and truly pushed out with this opening ceremony, and I for one, am truly, truly glad.
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  4. I am, spent enough time over 5 years on there supplying survey kit to help get it built !
    Time to bring a little pride back to Britain !
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  5. Highlight of the Olympics so far - the Queen parachuting out of a helicopter with James Bond... This would only have been bettered if Prince Philip had windmilled his cock at the cameras. :)
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  6. or the queen was strapped to one of the wooden cartwheels with Prince phil chucking throwing knives.

    still, £27million squid is better blown on the olympics than dropping bombs on people. i wonder if we can get a rebate on all that money wasted on the jubilee?
  7. The boats been push out all right...........and sank in the harbour.................OMG :eek:
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  8. Im not in to the actual games but fuck me what a show
  9. Whats with the french commentry first FFS ?
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  10. Its tradition, french, english then local language aparently
  11. Absolutely brilliant opening ceremony so far
    makes me proud to be British. £27 million worth every penny and if you are not enjoying it turn over and stop whinging:biggrin:
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  12. yes I am

    I am paying loads of tax to suuport this event that I am totally uninterested in, sponsered by companies that I do not endorse and its a very very poor investment of taxpayers money

    Government would have been better off paying down the national debt and let some other country pick up the tab
  13. Get a better accountant:wink:

    £27 million towards paying off the shite we're in financially 'ain't gonna do much!
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  14. The Frenchies introduced the modern Olympics, hence the tradition of the French language.
  16. The 12 odd billion they have wasted on london might have helped though . Ive just sponsored some youngster, for the tune of a measly 20 quid , to help her parents raise a measly 50k for an operation she needs that can be only done in the good old usa. And 27 million of our money was spent on WHAT.
  17. I am an accountant and I don't need a better one to see the total waste of money that is going to do sweet ** to get this country out of the hole its dug itself

    this extravagence will line the pockets of a selected few and cost everybody else
  19. An accountant paying loads of tax:frown:
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