Thinking about getting my wheels paint this Colour gold. Mines a 1199 base with abs And my last bike being a 'S' I'm a bit disappointed with the Style of the wheels in comparison. But I couldn't afford the 1199s I think the gold suits the wheels better & the standard finish is not very good neither flat or shiny. I got a quite a few connections in the trade I was a car painter for 23yrs. So the cost won't be too great
I prefer that design of wheel to the other on the 1199, I got my 899 wheels coated gold and they suit the bike very well.
I like the Marcheninis or how ever you spell it ! Lol I'd like some Oz wheels but I'm holding out for a full exhaust system ! I hate that manky Exhaust Valve how did Ducati get it so Wrong !!!
Iv been thinking about painting my wheels gold for quite a while. Not too sure yet. Think it could look quite nice