Saw This And It Re-ignited My Desire .......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Aug 11, 2014.

  1. I'd still have beaten you...
  2. maybes aye maybes no. ;)
  3. There's only one way to sort this: straight up the road, turn left onto the estate, and the first one to the chip shop gets 10 Bensons and a go on Debbie Harris. Right..?
  4. deffo but our version was along the old railway, up the banking take back rd to village stop for a sly one then and back again. who's debbie harris?
  5. Boy, did you miss out, she was bloody gorgeous. Met her recently, 8 kids, talks with an echo...
  6. blondie, yip she was hot my older brother probably liked her. one of them yours?
  7. Malaguti-1975-Cavalcone-1.jpg screw yer cut and paste i have found a more complicated way. had one of theses when i was 16. in red
  8. had one of these when I was 16 aswell as the fizzy

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  9. faster?
  10. I was riding one of these at 16 (GP150)...not as good nick as this pic though...i resprayed it purple in girlfriends kitchen. like a moron. left the silhouette of the panels on the carpet. i wasn't popular with her mum.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Much faster:(

    I had to corner like Marquez to stay in front of my cousin's Tiger Cross.

    I did, of course:upyeah:
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  12. Being an old fart,in the ,70's and 80's I spent every Sunday morning as an RAC/ACU instructor riding behind those bloody things. They are NOT as quick as the legends and rose tinted glasses suggest. And they smell bloody awefull.
  13. Built and rode an NSU quickly at the age of 16, was the laughing stock of all my SS50 and FS1e friends. Would do 28 flat out until it seized up!
  14. Then it's you I need to say thank you to. Only reason I passed my test in the summer of '70 was that the examiner was well impressed with my RAC/ACU badge. Not too impressed by the ex post office Bantam I turned up on to take the test though. Andy
  15. How long did it take to build?
  16. I bet you wish you still had it..;)
  17. Strangely, no. This got me to thinking about the bikes I went through as a callow youth and any one of them would be worth a fair bit now but changed hands for less than £200 at the time. I had in no particular order a 1962 Norton 650ss Dominator twin, a Velocette Venom 500cc, an AJS 7R 350cc single, an Ariel NH Red Hunter 350cc twin, a racing Itom 50cc, a racing Zundapp 200cc, a BSA DBD32 Goldstar 350cc, Royal Enfield Meteor Minor 500cc twin, a Sunbeam 1932 350cc single, a Villiers 2T 250cc twin and a Royal Enfield Prince 150cc. Oh to have known then what I know now but then again would it have changed my life ? Bloody right it would have :). Andy
  18. Mine seized.
  19. Weeks although when you're 15 it seemed years. My dad found two in a cellar so we were able to salvage some parts, the rest came from sourcing the small ads in MCN. Can't remember the name but it was some place in new Malden, Surrey. Ahh happy days.
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